Submissions from 2014
Dimensions of Legislative Conflict: Coalitions, Obstructionism, and Lawmaking in Multiparty Presidential Regimes, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
Institutional and Partisan Sources of Legislative Conflict: The Brazilian Case, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
Obstrução e Processo Decisório na Câmara dos Deputados: 1991 a 2010 [Obstruction and Decision-Making Process in the Chamber of Deputies, 1990-2010] (Monograph), Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
Neural input is critical for arcuate hypothalamic neurons to mount intracellular signaling responses to systemic insulin and deoxyglucose challenges in male rats: implications for communication within feeding and metabolic control networks, Arshad Khan, Ellen Walker, Nicole Dominguez, and Alan Watts
Curiosity and Connections, Kien Lim
Error-Eliciting Problems: Fostering Understanding and Thinking, Kien Lim
Insulin-resistant rats display enhanced nicotine reward following a high-fat diet regimen., Laura O'Dell
Action Science: Relevant Teaching and Active Learning, William Robertson
Redefining Pedagogy: Dialogues on Transformative Immersion, Praxis, and Reflection, William Robertson and Judith Munter
On Creating a Satellite Digital Archives of Literacy Narratives: The Stories We Tell, John Scenters-Zapico, Lou Herman, Kate Mangelsdorf, and Lindsay Hamilton
Urban Desertification.2014.pdf, jules simon
Con: Presidential 'Czars' Undermine Congress and the Constitution, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
Public Management in Political Institutions: Explaining Perceptions of White House Chief of Staff Influence, José Villalobos, Justin Vaughn, and David Cohen
Submissions from 2013
Elementary teachers integrate music activities into regular mathematics lessons: Effects on students’ mathematical abilities, Song An, Mary Capraro, and Daniel Tillman
The Curvilinear Effects of Economic Development on Domestic Terrorism, Charles Boehmer and Mark Daube
Solo Composition Recital (October 26, 2013), Dominic Dousa
"Western Evening Vistas" for concert band, Dominic Dousa
The Recasting of Twenty-First-Century Germany: An Opportunity of Crisis, Gaspare Genna
What Will it Take to Build a North American Community?, Gaspare Genna
North American Integration: An Institutional Void in Migration, Security and Development, Gaspare Genna and David Mayer Foulkes
'A Century of Transformations' Exhibit Design, Anne Giangiulio
Chalk the Block 2013 Poster, Anne Giangiulio
Conquistador of the Useless, Anne Giangiulio
Exhibition catalog for 'Navigating Art Languages: The James M. Shelton, Jr. Collection', Anne Giangiulio
Global Financial Crisis poster submitted for The Biennial of the Poster in Bolivia 2013, Anne Giangiulio
Next, Anne Giangiulio
Rebecca & Adam's Wedding Invitations, Anne Giangiulio
Remember Dippy, Anne Giangiulio
San Patricios T-shirts, Anne Giangiulio
Silk Scarf designed for UTEP's Centennial Celebration, Anne Giangiulio
Wheatpaste Workshop / Large Typographic Panels Designed for Future Artspace El Paso Lofts Site, Anne Giangiulio
Anay's Will to Learn: A Woman's Education in the Shadow of the Maquiladora, Elaine Hampton
Governability and Accountability in Brazil: Dilemma of Coalitional Presidentialism, Taeko Hiroi
Malapportionment and Geographical Bases of Electoral Support in the Brazilian Senate, Taeko Hiroi and Pedro Neiva
Causes and Triggers of Coups d'état: An Event History Analysis, Taeko Hiroi and Sawa Omori
A Collection of Lists of Mathematical Habits of Mind, Kien Lim
A mechanistic hypothesis of the factors that enhance vulnerability to nicotine use in females, Laura O'Dell
Enhanced nicotine self-administration and suppressed dopaminergic systems in a rat model of diabetes, Laura O'Dell
Female Rats Display Enhanced Rewarding Effects of Ethanol That Are Hormone Dependent, Laura O'Dell
Edutainment: Using Media and Video Instruction as Methods of Disseminating Content in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Instruction, William Robertson
Journey to the end of the earth: Analyzing the outcomes of a field-based research program in Antarctica, William Robertson and Claudia Garcia
Scientific Skateboarding and Mathematical Music: Edutainment that Actively Engages Middle School Students, William Robertson and Larry Lesser
The Creation Chapter, jules simon
The Desert of the Ethical, jules simon
Analyzing the Determinants of Group Identity among Alevis in Turkey: A National Survey Study, Cigdem Sirin
Examining the Distinct Effects of Emotive Triggers on Public Reactions to International Terrorism, Cigdem Sirin and Nehemia Geva
Early chronic low-level lead exposure produces glomerular hypertrophy in young C57BL/6J mice, Christina Sobin and John Basgen
Microglial Disruption in Young Mice with Early Chronic Exposure to Lead, Christina Sobin, Mayra Flores Montoya, Natali Parisi, Tanner Schaub, Miguel Cervantes, and Rodrigo Armijos
A Federalist George W. Bush and an Anti-Federalist Barack Obama? The Irony and Paradoxes behind Republican and Democratic Administration Drug Policies, José Villalobos
Agency Input as a Policy Making Tool: Analyzing the Influence of Agency Input on Presidential Policy Success in Congress, José Villalobos
The Metamorphosis of Leadership in a Democratic Mexico (2010), by Roderic Ai Camp, José Villalobos
Identifying links in the chain: The dynamic coupling of catecholamines, peptide synthesis, and peptide release in hypothalamic neuroendocrine neurons, Alan Watts and Arshad Khan
Submissions from 2012
Manager-in-Chief: Applying Public Management Theory to Examine White House Chief of Staff Performance, David Cohen, Justin Vaughn, and José Villalobos
"Celebracion Mexicana" for string orchestra, Dominic Dousa
Political Performance, Leadership, and Regional Integration in Europe, Gaspare Genna, Birol Yesilada, and Peter Noordijk
Chalk the Block 2012 Poster, Anne Giangiulio
Identity Campaign for a Local Jewelry Designer, Anne Giangiulio
Make It, Take It, Anne Giangiulio
Pop-Up Gallery for Chalk theBlock 2012, Anne Giangiulio
That Mad Game: Growing Up in a Warzone, An Anthology of Essays from Around the Globe, Anne Giangiulio
UTEP Department of Art in Rome Poster, Anne Giangiulio
40th_Anniversary_Commemoration_of_La_Raz-1.pdf, Miguel Juarez
The hammer-and-nail phenomenon in mathematics education, Kien Lim
Inferring impulsive-analytic disposition from students’ actions in solving math problems, Kien Lim and Miguel Mendoza
Assessing impulsive-analytic disposition: The Likelihood-to-Act survey and other instruments, Kien Lim and Amy Wagler
Impulsive-analytic disposition in mathematical problem solving: A survey and a mathematics test, Kien Lim and Amy Wagler
Effect of nicotine on body composition, Laura O'Dell
The Mathematics of Skateboarding: A Relevant Application of the 5Es of Constructivism, William Robertson
Gateways to Literacy: The Digital Archives of Literacy Narratives, John Scenters-Zapcio, Lou Herman, Kate Mangelsdorf, and Lindsay Hamilton
Environmental Protection, U.S. Influence on Latin American Policies, Cigdem Sirin
Examining the Role of Identity in Negotiation Decision Making: The Case of Cyprus, Cigdem Sirin
Statistical Methods: An Introduction to Application, Christina Sobin
The Policy Czar Debate, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
Beyond the Barrio: Latinos in the 2004 Elections (2010), by Rodolfo O. de la Garza, Louis DeSipio, and David L. Leal, eds., José Villalobos
Ford Foundation, José Villalobos
James A. Garfield: 20th President of the United States, José Villalobos
Sitting with Oprah, Dancing with Ellen: Presidents, Daytime Television, and Soft News, José Villalobos
Agenda Setting from the Oval Office: An Experimental Examination of Presidential Influence over the Public Agenda, José Villalobos and Cigdem Sirin
Politics or Policy? How Rhetoric Matters to Presidential Leadership of Congress, José Villalobos, Justin Vaughn, and Julia Azari
Submissions from 2011
Music-Math Integrated Activities for Elementary and Middle School Students, Song An and Mary Capraro
Preservice teachers' beliefs and attitude about teaching and learning mathematics through music: An intervention study SA An, T Ma, MM Capraro, Song An and Tingting Ma
Solo Composition Recital (October 14, 2011), Dominic Dousa
Planting the seeds of computational thinking: An introduction to programminsuitable for inclusion in STEM curriculag, Eric Freudenthal, Art Duval, Sarah Hug, Alexandria Ogrey, Kien Lim, Catherine Tabor, Rebeca Gonzalez, and Alan Siegel
Does North America Have the Right Stuff? An Analysis of Compatibility and the Potential Deepening of North American Integration, Gaspare Genna
Composite Indexes and Systems of Indicators of Regional Integration., Gaspare Genna, Philippe DeLombaerde, Ettore Dorrucci, and Francesco Paolo Mongelli
Ailbhe & Johnny's Wedding Invitations, Anne Giangiulio
A River Interrupted: Making the Case for Changing our Management of the Rio Grande, Anne Giangiulio
Building a City and a Nation: Immigration Stories from El Paso, Texas, Anne Giangiulio
Dealing Death and Drugs: The Big Business of Dope in the U.S. and Mexico, Anne Giangiulio
'Dear Juarez' Poster Protesting Drug Violence in Juárez, México, Anne Giangiulio
'European Treasures at the El Paso Museum of Art' Exhibit Catalog, Anne Giangiulio
'Regina Silveira: Limits & In Absentia (Collection)' Exhibition Catalog, Anne Giangiulio