Publication Date
July 2012
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
The Likelihood-to-Act (LtA) survey and a mathematics test were used in this study to assess students’ impulsive-analytic disposition in the context of mathematical problem solving. The results obtained from these two instruments were compared to those obtained using two widely-used scales: Need for Cognition (NFC) and Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS). The exhibited correlations of the LtA scores with the NFC, BIS, and a math test provide evidence of the criterion validity of the analytic LtA items, and suggests further revision of the impulsive LtA items to improve the overall measurement validity of the LtA scale. Students LtA scores were found to be marginally correlated to their math scores and correlated to their confidence levels in the math items.
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