Publication Date
January 2014
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 8.5px Times} My thesis is that current cities and the way that cities are beingdeveloped is unsustainable and poses global problems for the long-termflourishing of the world’s inter-related and interdependent economies, formatters of justice and happiness in socio-cultural relations between peoples,and for the health of our natural environments. I argue that ‘urbandesertification’ happens in the complex relationship between cities (both urbanand suburban) and rural environments that support them as both a natural andethical phenomenon that I study using a form of analysis calledphenomenological ethics. First, I briefly present sketches of phenomenologyand sustainability in order to introduce the method of phenomenological ethicsto develop a more adequate understanding of urban sustainability. Then, I makea connection between desertification and urbanisation. Finally, I focus on thecity of El Paso, Texas in order to provide an empirical and relevant case studyof the existing problems of desertification and sustainability.
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