Submissions from 2025
Group Empathy as a Driver of Pro-LGBTQ+ Attitudes in the United States, José Villalobos and Cigdem Sirin
Submissions from 2024
Brain-wide projections of mouse dopaminergic zona incerta neurons, Bianca Bono, Kenichiro Negishi, Yasmina Dumiaty, Monica Ponce, Titilayo Akinbode, Kayla Baker, C. Duncan Spencer, Elizabeth Mejia, Marina Guirguis, Alex Herbert, Arshad Khan, and Melissa Chee
Sympathetic innervation of interscapular brown adipose tissue is not a predominant mediator of OT-elicited reductions of body weight gain and adiposity in male diet-induced obese rats, Melise Edwards, Ha Nguyen, Andrew Dodson, Adam Herbertson, Mackenzie Honeycutt, Jared Slattery, June Rambousek, Edison Tsui, Tami Wolden-Hansen, Tomasz Wietecha, James Graham, Geronimo Tapia, Carl Sikkema, Kevin O'Brien, Thomas Mundinger, Elaine Peskind, Vitaly Ryu, Peter Havel, Arshad Khan, Gerald Taborsky, and James Blevins
Chemoarchitectural studies of the rat hypothalamus and zona incerta. Chemopleth 1.0, a downloadable interactive Brain Maps spatial database of five co-visualizable neurochemical systems, with novel feature- and grid-based mapping tools, Vanessa Navarro, Alexandro Arnal, Eduardo Peru, Sivasai Balivada, Alejandro Toccoli, Diana Sotelo, Olac Fuentes, and Arshad Khan
Topographic organization of bidirectional connections between the cingulate region (infralimbic area and anterior cingulate area, dorsal part) and the interbrain (diencephalon) of the adult male rat, Kenichiro Negishi, Laura Montes, Vanessa Navarro, Lidice Soto Arzate, Cindy Oliveros, and Arshad Khan
Effectiveness of pharmacotherapies for diabetes on nicotine, food, and water intake in insulin-resistant rats, Laura O'Dell
The Effects of Empathic Reactions to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade on Campaign Participation and Voter Turnout: Evidence from the 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections, Cigdem Sirin and José Villalobos
Submissions from 2023
Meter or Yard: Preservice Bilingual Teachers’ Strategies for Introducing Measurement Concepts to Young Students by Modifying a Classic Story, Song An, Tillman Daniel, So Jung Kim, and Josefina Tinajero
Safeguarding the promise of integration: Regional leaders and coup deterrence, Taeko Hiroi and Gaspare Genna
Corruption, patronage, and avertable child deaths in developing countries, Taeko Hiroi and Gregory Schober
Withdrawal from repeated nicotine vapor exposure increases somatic signs of physical dependence, anxiety-like behavior, and brain reward thresholds in adult male rats, Michelle Martínez, Veronika Espinoza, Valeria Garcia, Kevin Uribe, Kenichiro Negishi, Igor Estevao, Luis Carcoba, Laura O'Dell, Arshad Khan, and Ian Mendez
Submissions from 2022
Exploring Politics: A Concise Introduction, Gaspare Genna and Taeko Hiroi
¡Ándale, Prieta!, Anne Giangiulio
Fuck Putin, Anne Giangiulio
OneEarth.jpg, Anne Giangiulio
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo 2021 Year-End Report, Anne Giangiulio
The Constructivist Flipped Classroom, William Robertson
Beyond Borders: Employing Empathic Global Citizenship as a Framework for Enhancing Critical Community Engagement, Cigdem Sirin, Jose Villalobos, Azuri Gonzalez, and Guillermina Nunez-Mchiri
Latinx Voting Behavior: Key Insights from Recent Presidential Elections, José Villalobos
Submissions from 2021
T-aiku Tu Libru | Tiwa Language Book, Anne Giangiulio
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo 2020 Year-End Report, Anne Giangiulio
A historical perspective on training students to create standardized maps of novel brain structure: Newly-uncovered resonances between past and present research-based neuroanatomy curricula, Arshad Khan, Christina D'Arcy, and Jeffrey Olimpo
Using Mathematical Equations to Communicate and Think About Karma, Kien Lim and Christopher Yakes
Female rats display greater nicotine withdrawal-induced cellular activation of a central portion of the interpeduncular nucleus versus males: A study of Fos immunoreactivity within provisionally assigned interpeduncular subnuclei, Felix Matos-Ocasio, Veronika Espinoza, Paola Correa-Alfonzo, Arshad Khan, and Laura O'Dell
The presidential calculous in the appointment of ministers in Brazil, Pedro Neiva and Taeko Hiroi
onverging vulnerability factors for compulsive food and drug use., Laura O'Dell
Vulnerability to substance abuse: A consideration of allostatic loading factors, Laura O'Dell
Identity Politics, Cigdem Sirin
Naïve or Necessary? Empathy for Outgroups in Times of Heightened Human Conflict, Cigdem Sirin
Seeing Us in Them: Social Divisions and the Politics of Group Empathy, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and Jose Villalobos
Seeing Us in Them: Social Divisions and the Politics of Group Empathy, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and José Villalobos
Submissions from 2020
Borderplex Bridge Wait Time Headache Reactions, Thomas Fullerton
Credit Union Loan Rate Determinants in the United States, Thomas Fullerton and Esmeralda Muniz
19th Amendment Centennial, Anne Giangiulio
6 Feet—What'll it Be, Anne Giangiulio
Battleground; Invasive Procedure; Inadequate Protection Poster Series, Anne Giangiulio
Build That Wall!, Anne Giangiulio
Chalk the Block 2020 Poster, Anne Giangiulio
Different This Year, Anne Giangiulio
El Paso Women's History Coloring Book Cover, Anne Giangiulio
The Tedium is the Message, Anne Giangiulio
Tribal Injury Atlas for New Mexico and Southwest Colorado, Anne Giangiulio
You're Fired, Anne Giangiulio
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo 2019 Year-End Report, Anne Giangiulio
Addressing the Hammer-and-Nail Phenomenon, Kien Lim
Distributions of hypothalamic neuron populations co-expressing tyrosine hydroxylase and the vesicular GABA transporter in the mouse., Kenichiro Negishi, Mikayla Payant, Kayla Schumacker, Gabor Wittman, Rebecca Butler, Ronald Lechan, Harry Steinbusch, Arshad Khan, and Melissa Chee
Todos os estados são iguais, mas alguns são mais iguais do que outros, Pedro Neiva and Taeko Hiroi
Estradiol promotes and progesterone reduces anxiety-like behavior produced by nicotine withdrawal in rats., Laura O'Dell
Examination of nicotine and saccharin reward in the Goto-Kakizaki diabetic rat model., Laura O'Dell
Insulin restores the neurochemical effects of nicotine in the mesolimbic pathway of diabetic rats, Laura O'Dell
To Teach or Not To Teach Online, William Robertson
Welcoming Newcomers and Becoming Native to a Place_ Arendt’s Polis and the City Beautiful of Detroit.pdf, jules simon
Graduate Students Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Ethnographic Study, Char Ullman, Kate Mangelsdorf, and Jair Munoz
Submissions from 2019
Cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes associated with student engagement in a novel brain chemoarchitecture mapping course-based undergraduate research experience., Christina D'Arcy, Anais Martinez, Arshad Khan, and Jeffrey Olimpo
Introduction to Politics, Gaspare Genna and Taeko Hiroi
2019 Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Family Resource Guide, Anne Giangiulio
GiangiulioAnne.jpg, Anne Giangiulio
Girl Gone Missing, Anne Giangiulio
Letters to Goya / Titles | Titles / Letters to Goya, Anne Giangiulio
The Bird Boys, Anne Giangiulio
We the Women Poster, Anne Giangiulio
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo 2018 Year-End Report, Anne Giangiulio
Paradox of Redistribution: Legislative Overrepresentation and Regional Development in Brazil, Taeko Hiroi
Insulin modulates the strong reinforcing effects of nicotine and changes in insulin biomarkers in a rodent model of diabetes, Laura O'Dell
Relationship between nicotine intake and reward function in rats with intermittent short versus long access to nicotine., Laura O'Dell
Sex differences in cholinergic systems in the interpeduncular nucleus following nicotine exposure and withdrawal., Laura O'Dell
The Masters of Physics: Critical Thinking Through Skateboarding, William Robertson
The Oasis Skateboard Factory: Return to the One-Room Schoolhouse, William Robertson
The Study of Discrete Emotions in Politics, Cigdem Sirin and Jose Villalobos
The Study of Discrete Emotions in Politics, Cigdem Sirin and José Villalobos
Overexpression of corticotropin-releasing factor in the nucleus accumbens enhances the reinforcing effects of nicotine in female versus male rats., Kevin Uribe, Victor Correa, Briana Pinales, Rodolfo Flores, Bryan Cruz, Zhiyin Shan, Adriaan Bruijnzeel, Arshad Khan, and Laura O'Dell
Submissions from 2018
The Hidden Musicality of Math Class: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mathematics Education, Song An
Two ways of relating to (and acting for) reasons, Caroline Arruda and Daniel Povinelli
The promise of mindfulness as a proposed intervention to alleviate the delimiting effects of math anxiety, Nicole Fonger and Kien Lim
AIGA Design for Democracy 2018, Anne Giangiulio
ASongforTheRiver.pdf, Anne Giangiulio
A Terrible Combination, Anne Giangiulio
A Woman, in Bed, Anne Giangiulio
Chalk the Block 2018 Poster, Anne Giangiulio
Plastic Straws Suck, Anne Giangiulio
Stop Child Marriage, Anne Giangiulio
Disentangling legislative duration in coalitional presidential systems, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Rennó
Cryptic diversity in Rhampholeon boulengeri (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae), a pygmy chameleon from the Albertine Rift biodiversity hotspot, Daniel Hughes, Krystal Tolley, Mathias Behangana, Wilber Lukwago, Michele Menegon, J. Dehling, Jan Stipala, Colin Tilbury, Arshad Khan, Chifundera Kusamba, and Eli Greenbaum
Mapping molecular datasets back to the brain regions they are extracted from: Remembering the native countries of hypothalamic expatriates and refugees, Arshad Khan, Alice Grant, Anais Martinez, Gully Burns, Brendan Thatcher, Vishwanath Anekonda, Benjamin Thompson, Zachary Roberts, Daniel Moralejo, and James Blevins
Computer Vision Evidence Supporting Craniometric Alignment of Rat Brain Atlases to Streamline Expert-Guided, First-Order Migration of Hypothalamic Spatial Datasets Related to Behavioral Control, Arshad Khan, Jose Perez, Claire Wells, and Olac Fuentes
Using math magic to reinforce algebraic concepts: An exploratory study, Kien Lim
Flipped Learning: Embedding Questions in Videos, Kien Lim and Ashley Wilson
What matters in first-year writing: Transitions, identities, resources., Kate Mangelsdorf, K. Shaver, Patti Wojahn, and Beth Brunk-Chavez
Sex differences in nicotine intravenous selfadministration: A meta-analytic review, Laura O'Dell
Edutainment: Weaving Your Passion into the Process of STEM Education, William Robertson
Contextual fear retrieval-induced Fos expression across early development in the rat: An analysis using established nervous system nomenclature ontology, Anthony Santarelli, Arshad Khan, and Andrew Poulos
Rhetoric, Public Politics, and Security, Cigdem Sirin and José Villalobos
Rhetoric, Public Policy, and Security, Jose Villalobos and Cigdem Sirin
Submissions from 2017
How I Learned to Worry about the Spaghetti Western: Collective Responsibility and Collective Agency, Caroline Arruda
The Varieties of Moral Improvement, or why Metaethical Constructivism must Explain Moral Progress, Caroline Arruda
What Kind of Theory is the Humean Theory of Motivation, Caroline Arruda