
Inferring impulsive-analytic disposition from students’ actions in solving math problems

Publication Date

January 2012

Journal/Book Title/Conference

Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education


The research reported in this paper is part of a larger study designed to investigate the validity of the Likelihood-to-Act (LtA) survey—an Likert-scale instrument, currently under development and testing, for assessing students’ impulsive-analytic disposition in mathematics. Transcripts and videos of 15 interviewees’ responses to five problems, adapted from the LtA Survey, were analyzed in terms of (a) solution strategies and (b) impulsive-analytic disposition. Two scores were derived from quantifying the codes that were assigned to the 75 problem-solving episodes. These scores were highly correlated to one another and were correlated to the LtA_Difference (impulsive minus analytic) score, obtained from the LtA Survey administered several weeks prior to the interviews. These results can be taken to support the validity of the LtA instrument.

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