Submissions from 2025
Early non-psychotic deviant behavior in schizophrenia: a possible endophenotypic marker for genetic studies, Christina Sobin, Maude Blundell, Annamae Conry, Fenia Weiller, Carrie Gavigan, Claire Haiman, and Maria Karayiorgou
Phenotypic differences in early and later onset OCD, Christina Sobin, Maude Blundell, and Maria Karayiorgou
Evidence of a schizotypy subtype in OCD, Christina Sobin, Maude Blundell, Fenia Weiller, Carrie Gavigan, and Claire Haiman
Microglial Disruption in Young Mice with Early Chronic Exposure to Lead, Christina Sobin, Mayra Flores Montoya, Natali Parisi, Tanner Schaub, Miguel Cervantes, and Rodrigo Armijos
Polymorphisms of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) and peptide transporter 2 (PEPT2) genes in children with low-level lead exposure, Christina Sobin, Marisela Gutierrez, and Heather Alterio
Neuropsychological characteristics of children with the 22q11 deletion syndrome: a descriptive analysis, Christina Sobin, Karen Kiley-Brabeck, Maude Blundell, Anyane Kawame-Yeboa, and Maria Karayiorgou
Olfactory Disorder in Children with the 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, Christina Sobin, Karen Kiley-Brabeck, Kathryn Dale, Samantha Monk, Jananne Khuri, and Maria Karayiorgou
Networks of attention in children with the 22q11 deletion syndrome, Christina Sobin, Karen Kiley-Brabeck, Sarah Daniels, Maude Blundell, Kwame Anyane-Yeboa, and Maria Karayiorgou
Associations between prepulse inhibiton and visual executive attention in children with the 22q11 deletion syndrome, Christina Sobin, Karen Kiley-Brabeck, and Maria Karayiorgou
Lower pre-pulse inhibition in children with the 22q11 deletion syndrome, Christina Sobin, Karen Kiley-Brabeck, and Maria Karayiorgou
The Motor Agitation and Retardation Scale: a scale for the assessment of motor abnormalities in depressed patients, Christina Sobin, Lauren Mayer, and Jean Endicott
Neuromotor deficits in children with the 22q11 deletion syndrome, Christina Sobin, Samantha Monk, Karen Kiley-Brabeck, and Jananne Khuri
δ-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase Single Nucleotide Polymorphism 2 and Peptide Transporter 2*2 Haplotype May Differentially Mediate Lead Exposure in Male Children, Christina Sobin, Natali Parisi, Tanner Schaub, Marisela Gutierrez, and Alma Ortega
A comparison study of early non-psychotic deviant behavior in Afrikaner and US patients with schizphrenia and schizoaffective disorder, Christina Sobin, Lou Roos, Hermann Pretorius, Laura Lundy, and Maria Karayiorgou
The Psychomotor Symptoms of Depression, Christina Sobin and Harold Sackeim
A Bland–Altman Comparison of the Lead Care® System and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Detecting Low-Level Lead in Child Whole Blood Samples, Christina Sobin, Tanner Schaub, Natali Parisi, and Eva de la Riva
Submissions from 2021
Health disparities in access to health care for HIV infection, substance abuse, and mental health among Latino men who have sex with men in a U.S.–Mexico Border City, Oralia Loza, Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Bibiana Mancera, and Joseph De Santis
Pain intensity and mental health quality of life in veterans with mental illnesses: the intermediary role of physical health and the ability to participate in activities, Emre Umucu, Antonio Reyes, Paul Carrola, Thenral Mangadu, Beatrice Lee, Jessica M. Brooks, Karen L. Fortuna, Diana Villegas, Chung Yi Chiu, and Carolina Valencia
Submissions from 2020
Engaging Underserved Community Members in Diabetes Self-Management: Evidence From the YMCA of Greater Richmond Diabetes Control Program, Julie Ober Allen, Jeannie B. Concha, María José Mejía Ruiz, Ashley Rapp, Joshua Montgomery, Jana Smith, Julia A. Wolfson, William Thornton, and Briana Mezuk
Documenting best practices for maintaining access to HIV prevention, care and treatment in an era of shifting immigration policy and discourse, Emily A. Arnold, Shannon M. Fuller, Omar Martinez, Julia Lechuga, and Wayne T. Steward
Copper nanowires as nanofertilizers for alfalfa plants: Understanding nano-bio systems interactions from microbial genomics, plant molecular responses and spectroscopic studies, Keni Cota-Ruiz, Yuqing Ye, Carolina Valdes, Chaoyi Deng, Yi Wang, José A. Hernández-Viezcas, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
A profile of the Simplexa™ Bordetella Direct assay for the detection and differentiation of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis in nasopharyngeal swabs, Delfina C. Dominguez
Statistical modeling with litter as a random effect in mixed models to manage “intralitter likeness”, Mari S. Golub and Christina A. Sobin
Culture and sexuality-related communication as sociocultural precursors of HPV vaccination among mother-daughter dyads of Mexican descent, Julia Lechuga, Carla Prieto, Holly Mata, Ruth Ann Belknap, and Isabel Varela
Methamphetamine Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Men Who Have Sex With Men in a Mexico-US Border City, Oralia Loza, Zuleika V. Curiel, Oscar Beltran, and Rebeca Ramos
Partner Violence among Female Students Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in Emerging Adulthood, Yok Fong Paat, Max C.E. Orezzoli, and Thenral Mangadu
Submissions from 2019
Biodegradation of bisphenol A by bacterial consortia isolated directly from river sediments, Hemen Sarma, Amy R. Nava, Angela M.Encerrado Manriquez, Delfina C. Dominguez, and Wen Yee Lee
Submissions from 2018
A Comparison of Child Blood Lead Levels in Urban and Rural Children Ages 5–12 Years Living in the Border Region of El Paso, Texas, Juan Alvarez, Michelle Del Rio, Tania Mayorga, Salvador Dominguez, Mayra Gisel Flores-Montoya, and Christina Sobin
Approaches to enhancing patient-centered communication in caring for hispanic/Latino patients with diabetes, Jeannie Belinda Concha and Jeannie Belinda Concha
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Gestational Diabetes Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline, Maria O. Duarte-Gardea, Diana M. Gonzales-Pacheco, Diane Marie Reader, Alyce M. Thomas, Susan R. Wang, Rebecca P. Gregory, Tami A. Piemonte, Kyle L. Thompson, and Lisa Moloney
Healthcare and Social Services Providers Who Serve Sexual and Gender Minorities in a U.S.-Mexico Border City, Oralia Loza, Carlos R. Alvarez, and David Peralta-Torres
Developing Trans-Affirming Health Services in an Underserved Area: An Intersectional Approach, Oralia Loza, Paulina Hernandez, Jessica Calderon-Mora, Shaked Laks, Marie Leiner, Sireesha Reddy, Patricia Lara, and Hector Granados
Successfully Managing Diabetes in a Community Setting: Evidence From the YMCA of Greater Richmond Diabetes Control Program, Briana Mezuk, William Thornton, Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Joshua Montgomery, Jana Smith, Evanise Lexima, Maria Jose Mejia Ruiz, and Jeannie B. Concha
Use of lead-glazed ceramic ware and lead-based folk remedies in a rural community of Baja California, Mexico, Michael Welton, Alfonso Rodriguez-Lainz, Oralia Loza, Stephanie Brodine, and Miguel Fraga
Submissions from 2017
A systematic review of interventions for Hispanic women with or at risk of Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), Mary Carolan-Olah, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Julia Lechuga
The experience of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) among Hispanic women in a U.S. border region, Mary Carolan-Olah, Maria Duarte-Gardea, Julia Lechuga, and Silvia Salinas-Lopez
A comparison of arsenic exposure in young children and home water arsenic in two rural West Texas communities, Michelle Del Rio, Juan Alvarez, Tania Mayorga, Salvador Dominguez, and Christina Sobin
Exploring the two trigger fingers thesis: racial and ethnic differences in officer involved shootings, Robert J. Durán and Oralia Loza
A qualitative exploratory study on gender identity and the health risks and barriers to care for transgender women living in a U.S.–Mexico border city, Oralia Loza, Oscar Beltran, and Thenral Mangadu
Substance Use by Immigrant Generation in a U.S.-Mexico Border City, Oralia Loza, Ernesto Castañeda, and Brian Diedrich
Best practices for community gardening in a US-Mexico border community, Thenral Mangadu, Michael Kelly, Max C.E. Orezzoli, Rebecca Gallegos, and Pracheta Matharasi
Commentary: Reconsidering the role of context in diabetes prevention, Briana Mezuk, Jeannie B. Concha, Paul Perrin, and Tiffany Green
Stress, self-regulation, and context: Evidence from the health and retirement survey, Briana Mezuk, Scott Ratliff, Jeannie B. Concha, Cleopatra M. Abdou, Jane Rafferty, Hedwig Lee, and James S. Jackson
Increasing Our Advocacy Capacity Through HIV Community Mobilization: Perspectives From Emerging and Mid-Career Professionals, Irene Ovalle, Oralia Loza, David Peralta-Torres, Jacob Martinez, Kristen Hernandez, and Holly Mata
Family- and community-related determinants of intimate partner violence among Mexican and Puerto Rican origin mothers in fragile families, Yok Fong Paat, Trina L. Hope, Thenral Mangadu, Guillermina Gina Núñez-Mchiri, and Silvia M. Chavez -Baray
Correspondence: Assessment of learning, memory and attention in developmental neurotoxicology, C. Sobin
Early chronic low-level Pb exposure alters global exploratory behaviors but does not impair spatial and object memory retrieval in an object-in-place task in pre-adolescent C57BL/6J mice, Christina Sobin, Mayra Gisel Flores-Montoya, and Juan Manuel Alvarez
Nutritional management for gestational diabetes, Alyce M. Thomas and Maria Duarte-Gardea
Submissions from 2016
Promotoras Can Facilitate Use of Recreational Community Resources: The Mi Corazón Mi Comunidad Cohort Study, Héctor G. Balcázar, Hendrik D. de Heer, Sherrie Wise Thomas, Alisha Redelfs, E. Lee Rosenthal, Ximena Burgos, and Maria O. Duarte
Evaluation of commonly used products for disinfecting clipper blades in veterinary practices: A pilot study, Benjamin Ley, Edward Silverman, Kara Peery, and Delfina Dominguez
A qualitative exploration of perceived gender differences in methamphetamine use among women who use methamphetamine on the Mexico–U.S. border, Oralia Loza, Rebeca Ramos, João Ferreira-Pinto, Maria Teresa Hernandez, and Susana A. Villalobos
Developing a census of brain cells for the corticoendogram of human consciousness, Peter R. Mouton and Christina Sobin
Submissions from 2015
A critical review: early life nutrition and prenatal programming for adult disease, Mary Carolan-Olah, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Julia Lechuga
Olfactory recognition memory is disrupted in young mice with chronic low-level lead exposure, Mayra Gisel Flores-Montoya, Juan Manuel Alvarez, and Christina Sobin
A Proposed Methodology for Task Analysis in Ergonomic Evaluations, Karla Gabriela Gómez-Bull, Juan Luis Hernández-Arellano, and Gabriel Ibarra-Mejía
Navigator approach to improve quality of care for vulnerable populations in Mexico, Rebeca Ramos, João Ferreira-Pinto, and Oralia Loza
δ-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase single nucleotide polymorphism 2 (ALAD2) and peptide transporter 2*2 haplotype (hPEPT2*2) differently influence neurobehavior in low-level lead exposed children, Christina A. Sobin, Mayra Flores Montoya, Marisela Gutierrez, Natali Parisi, and Tanner Schaub
Monitoring the environmental effects of CeO2 and ZnO nanoparticles through the life cycle of corn (Zea mays) plants and in situ μ-XRF mapping of nutrients in kernels, Lijuan Zhao, Youping Sun, Jose A. Hernandez-Viezcas, Jie Hong, Sanghamitra Majumdar, Genhua Niu, Maria Duarte-Gardea, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Submissions from 2014
Lactobacillemia: Epidemiolgy, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment, Suresh Antony and Delfina C. Dominguez
Early chronic low-level lead exposure produces glomerular hypertrophy in young C57BL/6J mice, John Basgen and Christina A. Sobin
Perceptions of Community Health Workers (CHWs/PS) in the U.S.-Mexico Border HEART CVD Study, Hector G. Blacazar, Sherrie Wise, Alisha Redelfs, E. Lee Rosenthal, Hendrik D. de Heer, Ximena Burgos, and Maria O. Duarte-Gardea
Neurometabolic aspects of sports-related concussion, Delfina C. Domínguez and Mrudula Raparla
A versatile PDMS/paper hybrid microfluidic platform for sensitive infectious disease diagnosis, Maowei Dou, Delfina C. Dominguez, Xiujun Li, Juan Sanchez, and Gabriel Scott
A versatile paper/PDMS hybrid microfluidic biochip for low-cost global infectious diseases diagnosis, M. Dou, D. C. Dominguez, and X. J. Li
Early chronic lead exposure reduces exploratory activity in young C57BL/6J mice, Mayra Flores Montoya and Christina A. Sobin
Assessment of human fatigue: A comparison between machining and assembly tasks, Juan Luis Hernández-Arellano, Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz, Gabriel Ibarra-Mejia, and Aidé Aracely Maldonado-Macías
CeO2 and ZnO nanoparticles change the nutritional qualities of cucumber (Cucumis sativus), Lijuan Zhao, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Cyren M. Rico, Jose A. Hernandez-Viezcas, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, Alia Servin, Jose E. Nunez, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Submissions from 2013
Nutritional Management for Gestational Diabetes, Maria Duarte-Gardea
Fatigue Dimensions Among AMT Operators in Mexico., Gabriel Ibarra-Mejia and J. L. Hernandez-Arellano
A PDMS/paper hybrid microfluidic device integrated with graphene oxide-based nano-biosensors for multiplexed pathogen detection, X. J. Li, P. Zuo, and D. C. Dominguez
Associations of insulin resistance with cardiovascular risk factors and inflammatory cytokines in normal- Weight hispanic women, Chantal A. Vella, Ximena Burgos, Carla J. Ellis, Raul Y. Zubia, Diana Ontiveros, Hector Reyes, and Claudia Lozano
Influence of CeO2 and ZnO nanoparticles on cucumber physiological markers and bioaccumulation of Ce and Zn: A Life Cycle Study, Lijuan Zhao, Youping Sun, Jose A. Hernandez-Viezcas, Alia D. Servin, Jie Hong, Genhua Niu, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Submissions from 2012
Construction of a survey to assess workload and fatigue among AMT operators in Mexico, Juan Luis Hernández Arellano, Gabriel Ibarra Mejía, J. Nieves Serratos Pérez, Jorge Luis Garcí Alcaraz, and María Julia Brunette
An ecological model using promotores de salud to prevent cardiovascular disease on the US-mexico border: The HEART project, Hector Balcázar, Sherrie Wise, E. Lee Rosenthal, Cecilia Ochoa, Jose Rodriguez, Diana Hastings, Leticia Flores, Lorraine Hernandez, and Maria Duarte-Gardea
Overweight and obese humans overeat away from home, John M. de Castro, George A. King, Maria Duarte-Gardea, Salvador Gonzalez-Ayala, and Charles H. Kooshian
Border health: Inequities, social determinants, and the cases of tuberculosis and HIV, Eva M. Moya, Oralia Loza, and Mark Lusk
Greater than 95% success with 14-day bismuth quadruple anti- helicobacter pylori therapy: A pilot study in us hispanics, Cesar O. Salazar, Victor M. Cardenas, Rita K. Reddy, Delfina C. Dominguez, Lindsey K. Snyder, and David Y. Graham
Submissions from 2011
Helicobacter pylori eradication and change in markers of iron stores among non-iron-deficient children in El Paso, Texas: An etiologic intervention study, Victor M. Cardenas, Carmen A. Prieto-Jimenez, Zuber D. Mulla, Jose O. Rivera, Delfina C. Dominguez, David Y. Graham, and Melchor Ortiz
Place of residence modifies the association between acculturation and dietary tools knowledge among latina WIC participants: A multi-state study, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, David Sheng Song, Christopher Alan Taylor, Alfredo Mejia, Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez, Hector G. Balcazar, Robert L. Anders, Sofia Segura-Pérez, Maria O. Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge M. Ibarra
Double-blind randomized trial of quadruple sequential Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in asymptomatic infected children in El Paso, Texas, Carmen A. Prieto-Jimenez, Victor M. Cardenas, Lori A. Fischbach, Zuber D. Mulla, Jose O. Rivera, Delfina C. Dominguez, David Y. Graham, and Melchor Ortiz
Interaction of nanoparticles with edible plants and their possible implications in the food chain, Cyren M. Rico, Sanghamitra Majumdar, Maria Duarte-Gardea, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Research participant recruitment in hispanic communities: Lessons learned, Michele G. Shedlin, Carlos U. Decena, Thenral Mangadu, and Angela Martinez
Submissions from 2010
A Promotores de Salud intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in a high-risk hispanic border population, 2005-2008, Héctor G. Balcázar, Hendrik de Heer, Lee Rosenthal, Melissa Aguirre, Leticia Flores, Flor A. Puentes, Victor M. Cardenas, Maria O. Duarte, Melchor Ortiz, and Leslie O. Schulz
The Environmental Health/Home Safety Education Project: A Successful and Practical U.S.-Mexico Border Initiative, Susan C. Forster-Cox, Thenral Mangadu, Benjamín Jacquez, and Lynne Fullerton
Drug-related behaviors independently associated with syphilis infection among female sex workers in two Mexico-US border cities, Oralia Loza, Thomas L. Patterson, Melanie Rusch, Gustavo A. Martínez, Remedios Lozada, Hugo Staines-Orozco, Carlos Magis-Rodríguez, and Steffanie A. Strathdee
Risk factors associated with chlamydia and gonorrhoea infection among female sex workers in two Mexico-USA border cities, O. Loza, S. A. Strathdee, G. A. Martinez, R. Lozada, V. D. Ojeda, H. Staines-Orozco, and T. L. Patterson
Submissions from 2009
Use of community-based participatory research to disseminate baseline results from a cardiovascular disease randomized community trial for Mexican Americans lving in a U.S.-Mexico border community, H. Balcazar, L. Rosenthal, H. De Heer, M. Aguirre, L. Flores, E. Vasquez, M. Duarte, and L. Schulz
Accumulation, speciation, and coordination of arsenic in an inbred line and a wild type cultivar of the desert plant species Chilopsis linearis (Desert willow), Hiram A. Castillo-Michel, Nubia Zuverza-Mena, Jason G. Parsons, Kenneth M. Dokken, Maria Duarte-Gardea, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Differential effect of metals/metalloids on the growth and element uptake of mesquite plants obtained from plants grown at a copper mine tailing and commercial seeds, N. Haque, J. R. Peralta-Videa, M. Duarte-Gardea, and J. L. Gardea-Torresdey
Effect of indole-3-acetic acid, kinetin, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on plant growth and uptake and translocation of lead, micronutrients, and macronutrients in alfalfa plants, Martha Laura López, José R. Peralta-Videa, Jason G. Parsons, Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey, and Maria Duarte-Gardea
Study of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus on the U.S./Mexico border, José O. Rivera, Hoi Ho, Delfina C. Domínguez, Alan H. Tyroch, Suresh Antony, Arturo Norte, and José Ascensión Pérez-Ruvalcaba
Submissions from 2008
Use of a novel antibiotic (tigecycline) in the treatment of peritoneal dialysis-associated MRSA peritonitis, S. Antony and D. C. Dominguez
Evaluation and treatment of candida species in prosthetic joint infections: Two case reports and review of the literature, Suresh Antony, Delfina C. Domínguez, John Jackson, and Gregory Misenheimer
Evaluation of a novel stool native catalase antigen test for Helicobacter pylori infection in asymptomatic North American children, Victor M. Cardenas, Delfina C. Dominguez, Flor A. Puentes, Corinne C. Aragaki, Karen J. Goodman, David Y. Graham, and Yoshihiro Fukuda
Concentration and biotransformation of arsenic by Prosopis sp. grown in soil treated with chelating agents and phytohormones, Martha Laura López, José R. Peralta-Videa, Jason G. Parsons, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Removal of copper, lead, and zinc from contaminated water by saltbush biomass: Analysis of the optimum binding, stripping, and binding mechanism, Maather F. Sawalha, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Submissions from 2007
Role of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on lead uptake and translocation by tumbleweed (Salsola Kali L.), Guadalupe De La Rosa, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Gustavo Cruz-Jimenez, M. Duarte-Gardea, Alejandro Martinez-Martinez, Irene Cano-Aguilera, Nilesh C. Sharma, Shivendra V. Sahi, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Introduction to proteomics., Delfina C. Dominguez, Rosana Lopes, and M. Lorraine Torres
Proteomics: clinical applications., Delfina C. Dominguez, Rosana Lopes, and M. Lorraine Torres
Proteomics technology., Delfina C. Dominguez, Rosana Lopes, and M. Lorraine Torres