Submissions from 2007
Effects of lead, EDTA, and IAA on nutrient uptake by alfalfa plants, Martha L. López, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Tenoch Benitez, M. Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Lead toxicity in alfalfa plants exposed to phytohormones and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid monitored by peroxidase, catalase, and amylase activities, Martha L. López, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Hiram Castillo-Michel, Alejandro Martinez-Martinez, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Potential of Chilopsis linearis for gold phytomining: Using XAS to determine gold reduction and nanoparticle formation within plant tissues, Elena Rodriguez, Jason G. Parsons, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Gustavo Cruz-Jimenez, Jaime Romero-Gonzalez, Blanca E. Sanchez-Salcido, Geoffrey B. Saupe, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Thermodynamic and isotherm studies of the biosorption of Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) by leaves of saltbush (Atriplex canescens), Maather F. Sawalha, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Jaime Romero-González, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Submissions from 2006
Implications regarding atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance among women residing in a US-Mexico border city, H. Greenberg, M. Duarte-Gardea, and O. R. Quezada
Submissions from 2005
Cutaneous M. gordonae infection in an immunocompetent host, Suresh Antony, Sandra Goldsmith, and Delfina Dominguez
The reemergence of pertussis in immunized populations: a case study., Delfina Domínguez
Bone mineral density and body mass index of Mexican American Women, Audrey A. Romero, Maria Duarte-Gardea, Melchor Ortiz, Cathy Labrado, and Michiel Noe
Determination of fluoride in drinking water and in urine of adolescents living in three counties in Northern Chihuahua Mexico using a fluoride ion selective electrode, Alma Ruiz-Payan, Melchor Ortiz, and Maria Duarte-Gardea
Submissions from 2004
Calcium signalling in bacteria, Delfina C. Dominguez
Submissions from 2003
Use of liposomal amphotericin B in the treatment of disseminated coccidioidomycosis, Suresh Antony, Delfina C. Dominguez, and Elsa Sotelo
A statistical comparison of platinum plant digestion data obtained from GFAAS and ICP-OES, Jason G. Parsons, Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Kirk J. Tiemann, Eduardo Gomez, Larry Gugliotta, and Maria Duarte-Gardea
Effects of zinc upon tolerance and heavy metal uptake in alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa), J. R. Peralta-Videa, J. L. Gardea-Torresdey, J. Walton, W. P. Mackay, and M. Duarte-Gardea
Submissions from 2002
Alfalfa growth promotion by bacteria grown under iron limiting conditions, G. Carrillo-Castaeda, J. Juárez Muos, J. R. Peralta-Videa, E. Gomez, K. J. Tiemannb, M. Duarte-Gardea, and J. L. Gardea-Torresdey
Use of hop (Humulus lupulus) agricultural by-products for the reduction of aqueous lead(II) environmental health hazards, J. Gardea-Torresdey, M. Hejazi, K. Tiemann, J. G. Parsons, M. Duarte-Gardea, and J. Henning
Oral versus vaginal misoprostol for labor induction, Richard Hall, Maria Duarte-Gardea, and Frederick Harlass
Submissions from 2001
ICP-OES determination of elements in volatile organic compounds and anesthetics, J. L. Gardea-Torresdey, K. J. Tiemann, M. Duarte-Gardea, J. G. Parsons, E. Gomez, J. H. Gonzalez, A. D. Kaye, L. Gugliata, and R. Hergenreder
Prevalence of antibodies to Sin Nombre virus in humans living in rural areas of southern New Mexico and western Texas, Liza M. Gonzalez, A. Elizabeth Lindsey, Brian Hjelle, Delfina Dominguez, Joy Brown, Diane Goade, and Colleen B. Jonsson
Submissions from 1999
Immunocytochemical localization of a calmodulinlike protein in Bacillus subtilis cells, Delfina C. Dominguez, Hank Adams, and James H. Hageman
Actinomyces and nocardia infections in immunocompromised and nonimmunocompromised patients, Delfina C. Dominguez and Suresh J. Antony
Submissions from 1994
Comparison of manual and morphometric analysis techniques for rat hepatocyte peroxisomes, J. T. Ellzey, T. L. Stevens, D. Borunda, and D. C. Dominguez