Greater than 95% success with 14-day bismuth quadruple anti- helicobacter pylori therapy: A pilot study in us hispanics
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Background: A combination capsule of bismuth, metronidazole, and tetracycline plus omeprazole given as 10-day therapy has an overall effectiveness of 92-93% in per-protocol analysis (Grade B) with eradication of 86-91% of metronidazole-resistant Helicobacter pylori. This study aimed to explore whether extending the duration to 14 days would improve overall effectiveness per protocol to ≥95% (Grade A) in a population in which metronidazole resistance was anticipated to exist. Methods: A one-arm, open-label pilot study of H. pylori-infected, asymptomatic/mildly dyspeptic adults, Hispanic residents of El Paso, Texas, received a 14-day course of omeprazole, plus the combination capsule. We cultured and Gram-stained specimens obtained using a minimally invasive orogastric brush. Helicobacter pylori status was determined by 13 C-urea breath test at 4 or more weeks post-therapy. Results: Forty-seven subjects (7 men and 40 women, average age 42 years) were entered. The per-protocol effectiveness was 97.1% (33/34) (95% mid-P CI: 86.3, 99.9); 100% of metronidazole-resistant strains were eradicated. Side effects were mild and self-limited but contributed to nonadherence. Therapy taken for <10 days was more likely to result in eradication failure (p <. 001). Office-based orogastric brushing was well tolerated; positive cultures were obtained in 95%. Gram staining showed H. pylori-like forms in all specimens. Conclusions: This pilot study supports the concept that 14-day OBMT therapy is likely to be more efficacious for H. pylori eradication (Grade A, PP basis) than a 10-day course where metronidazole resistance is suspected. If confirmed, 14 days should be recommended in populations where metronidazole resistance is common. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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