Assessment of human fatigue: A comparison between machining and assembly tasks
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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. All rights are reserved. Research on human fatigue in industrial environments is limited, especially in developing countries. Currently, with the inclusion of new and more complex technologies; levels of mental effort performed by workers have increased while levels of physical exertion have decreased. This research presents the comparison of fatigue scores of two processes including Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT). The first one involves machining of steel pieces using Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) lathes and the second one involves Constant Velocity (CV) Joints assembly using hydraulic presses. For the assessment of fatigue, the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory Spanish version (SOFI-S) was applied. The study was conducted in a manufacturing company of CV Joints located in Central Mexico. A sample of 75 operators of CNC lathes and 66 operators of hydraulic presses were surveyed. As results, Lack of energy was the fatigue dimension that obtained the highest score of (SOFI-S) in both processes analyzed. Nonparametric comparisons show no difference in scores of fatigue dimensions between both processes analyzed.
Publication Title
Lean Manufacturing in the Developing World: Methodology, Case Studies and Trends from Latin America
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