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- Bracero Oral History Project
- General Interviews
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A print guide to the oral history collection is available in the UTEP Library’s Special Collections Department.
Submissions from 1979
Interview no. 377, Un Joven de Meoqui
Interview no. 378, Francisco Tovar
Interview no. 384, Francisco Martinez Parga
Interview no. 386, Anónima
Interview no. 388, Marvin Shady
Interview no. 389, Agustin Ramirez
Interview no. 390, Francisco Ramirez M.
Interview no. 391, Gregorio Garcia S.
Interview no. 392, Oscar Saenz
Interview no. 393, Martina
Interview no. 394, Anónima
Interview no. 395, Teresa Moreno
Interview no. 396, Francisco Uvina
Interview no. 397, Maria del Socorro Chavez
Interview no. 398, Armando Chapa
Interview no. 399, Bob Wickham
Interview no. 403, Agustin Barbosa V.
Interview no. 404, Juan Nunez R.
Interview no. 405, Alberto Ibarra
Interview no. 406, Una Senora de Meoqui
Interview no. 407, Petra Gastelum Leyva
Interview no. 408, Guadalupe Perez
Interview no. 409, Juan Borjon
Interview no. 410, Esperanza Avila
Interview no. 411, Hector Martinez L.
Interview no. 460, Carlota Mota
Interview no. 494, Jose I. Alcantar
Interview no. 500, Wilma Rudolph
Interview no. 529, Enriqueta Morales
Interview no. 530, Rocio Unknown
Interview no. 531, Irene Gonzales A.
Interview no. 536, Oscar Tejeda
Interview no. 540, Cándido R. Delgado
Interview no. 549, Maria T. Barrionuevo
Interview no. 551, Epitacio Armendaris
Interview no. 556, E. Nicky Cunningham
Interview no. 557, Maria Cristina Flores de Carlos
Interview no. 558, Herlinda Castro
Interview no. 564, Sigrid Wynykoski
Interview no. 603, Dolores Valdez
Interview no. 608, Mario Chamberlain
Interview no. 610, Bill Rodríguez
Interview no. 617, Manuel N. Rembao
Interview no. 618, Miguel Ordoñez
Interview no. 622, Oedre Pizarro
Interview no. 637, Andrés Gomez
Interview no. 641, Gerardo Chávez
Interview no. 643, Benito Perez
Interview no. 644, Fermin Roman
Interview no. 648, José Sierra