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- Bracero Oral History Project
- General Interviews
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A print guide to the oral history collection is available in the UTEP Library’s Special Collections Department.
Submissions from 1980
Interview no. 374, Jesus A. Gomez
Interview no. 379, Efren Gutierrez
Interview no. 380, Pedro Rodriguez
Interview no. 381, Salvador Borrego
Interview no. 382, Francisco Saavedra
Interview no. 383, Antonio Holguin
Interview no. 385, Juan F. Jacquez
Interview no. 387, Arturo Alberto Jordan
Interview no. 433, Leticia Quezada
Interview no. 464, Julio G. Perez
Interview no. 465, Alfredo Jacques
Interview no. 466, Francisca Villa de Porras
Interview no. 483, Tomas Villalobos
Interview no. 493, Jesus Cobos C.
Interview no. 498, Dora A. Lozoya B.
Interview no. 510, The Castro Connection
Interview no. 512, Dr. Oscar J. Martinez
Interview no. 532, Leonel J. Castillo
Interview no. 534, John William Arnell
Interview no. 560, Juan Ocon C.
Interview no. 561, Pablo Barragan
Interview no. 562, Antonia Curiel C.
Interview no. 563, Pedro Valenzuela
Interview no. 568, Jesus Gutierrez
Interview no. 569, Salvador Ramirez
Interview no. 601, Longino Candia
Interview no. 602, Julio Hernandez
Interview no. 620, Nicolás Gonzalez
Interview no. 623, Roberto Durán
Interview no. 624, José Anzaldo
Interview no. 652, Berte Haigh
Interview no. 701, L' Jon Walker Veloz
Interview no. 737, Héctor V. León
Interview no. 745, María de Jesus Hernandez
Submissions from 1979
Interview no. 328, Hortense McIver
Interview no. 335, Symposium on International Relations and Human Rights
Interview no. 359, Lalo Corral
Interview no. 360, Proceedings of Symposium on Border Fence
Interview no. 361, Thomas Reyes
Interview no. 362, Miguel Noriega
Interview no. 363, Concepcion P. de Pulido
Interview no. 364, Josefa Zumaya
Interview no. 365, Amparo F. de Valencia
Interview no. 366, Richard C. Vandewater
Interview no. 367, Jesus Arras M.
Interview no. 368, Jose Ramirez G.
Interview no. 371, Conference: The “Maquiladora” Industry in Mexico: Current Status and Prospects
Interview no. 373, Pedro Gomez G.
Interview no. 375, Gilberto Rivera M.
Interview no. 376, Roman Jimenez M.