Submissions from 2024
The Effects of Empathic Reactions to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade on Campaign Participation and Voter Turnout: Evidence from the 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections, Cigdem Sirin and José Villalobos
Submissions from 2022
Latinx Voting Behavior: Key Insights from Recent Presidential Elections, José Villalobos
Submissions from 2021
The presidential calculous in the appointment of ministers in Brazil, Pedro Neiva and Taeko Hiroi
Identity Politics, Cigdem Sirin
Naïve or Necessary? Empathy for Outgroups in Times of Heightened Human Conflict, Cigdem Sirin
Seeing Us in Them: Social Divisions and the Politics of Group Empathy, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and Jose Villalobos
Submissions from 2020
Todos os estados são iguais, mas alguns são mais iguais do que outros, Pedro Neiva and Taeko Hiroi
Submissions from 2019
Paradox of Redistribution: Legislative Overrepresentation and Regional Development in Brazil, Taeko Hiroi
The Study of Discrete Emotions in Politics, Cigdem Sirin and Jose Villalobos
The Study of Discrete Emotions in Politics, Cigdem Sirin and José Villalobos
Submissions from 2018
Disentangling legislative duration in coalitional presidential systems, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Rennó
Rhetoric, Public Politics, and Security, Cigdem Sirin and José Villalobos
Rhetoric, Public Policy, and Security, Jose Villalobos and Cigdem Sirin
Submissions from 2017
Images of Europeans: transnational trust and support for European integration, Gaspare Genna
Measuring Integration Achievement in the Americas, Gaspare Genna
The Unexpected Effects of Criminal Violence along the Mexico-Texas Border, Gaspare Genna
Meaning of Time: Legislative Duration in the Brazilian Congress, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
The Social and Political Consequences of Group Empathy, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and José Villalobos
The Social Causes and Political Consequences of Group Empathy, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and José Villalobos
The Relevance of Emotions in Presidential Public Appeals: Anger’s Conditional Effect on Perceived Risk and Support for Military Interventions, José Villalobos and Cigdem Sirin
Submissions from 2016
Hard International Law-Contributing Organizations as Networks, Charles Boehmer and Renato Corbetta
Cosmopolitanism, Trust, and Support for European Integration, Gaspare Genna
Jürgen Habermas and the European Economic Crisis: Cosmopolitanism Reconsidered., Gaspare Genna, Thomas Haakenson, and Ian Wilson
Agenda Setting and Gridlock in a Multiparty Coalitional Presidential System: The Case of Brazil, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
Group Empathy in Response to Non-Verbal Racial/Ethnic Cues: A National Experiment on Immigration Policy Attitudes, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and José Villalobos
Group Empathy Theory: The Effect of Group Empathy on U.S. Intergroup Attitudes and Behavior in the Context of Immigration Threats, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and José Villalobos
The Effect of Group Empathy on U.S. Intergroup Attitudes and Behavior in the Context of Immigration Threats, Cigdem Sirin, Nicholas Valentino, and José Villalobos
Group Empathy as a Driver of Pro-LGBTQ+ Attitudes in the United States, José Villalobos and Cigdem Sirin
Submissions from 2015
Efectos Regionales Del Libre Comercio: El Caso Del Noreste De México, Gaspare Genna, Edgardo Ayala Gaytán, Joana Chapa Cantú, and María de Lourdes Treviño Villarreal
Regional Integration and Democratic Conditionality: How Democracy Clauses Help Democratic Consolidation and Deepening, Gaspare Genna and Taeko Hiroi
White House Office: Staff Secretary, Manuel Gutiérrez, Joshua Acevedo, and José Villalobos
Policy Change and Coups: The Role of Income Inequality and Asset Specificity, Taeko Hiroi and Sawa Omori
Obstrucción y Proceso Decisorio en la Cámara de los Diputados: Brasil 1991 a 2010, Lucio Renno and Taeko Hiroi
Presidential Policymaking: Transaction Costs, Richie Romero and José Villalobos
Dictators and Death: Casualty Sensitivity of Autocracies in Militarized Interstate Disputes, Cigdem Sirin and Michael Koch
Czars in the White House: The Rise of Policy Czars as Presidential Management Tools, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
Submissions from 2014
Exploring the Invocation of Emotion in Presidential Speeches, Cengiz Erisen and José Villalobos
Remapping Trade Relations in the Americas: The Influence of Shifting Power, Gaspare Genna
Dimensions of Legislative Conflict: Coalitions, Obstructionism, and Lawmaking in Multiparty Presidential Regimes, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
Institutional and Partisan Sources of Legislative Conflict: The Brazilian Case, Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
Obstrução e Processo Decisório na Câmara dos Deputados: 1991 a 2010 [Obstruction and Decision-Making Process in the Chamber of Deputies, 1990-2010] (Monograph), Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno
Con: Presidential 'Czars' Undermine Congress and the Constitution, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
Public Management in Political Institutions: Explaining Perceptions of White House Chief of Staff Influence, José Villalobos, Justin Vaughn, and David Cohen
Submissions from 2013
The Curvilinear Effects of Economic Development on Domestic Terrorism, Charles Boehmer and Mark Daube
Michigan: Republican Domination During a Population Exodus, Todd A. Curry, Michael K. Romano, and John Clark
The Recasting of Twenty-First-Century Germany: An Opportunity of Crisis, Gaspare Genna
What Will it Take to Build a North American Community?, Gaspare Genna
Examining the Distinct Effects of Emotive Triggers on Public Reactions to International Terrorism, Nehemia Geva and Cigdem Sirin Villalobos
Governability and Accountability in Brazil: Dilemma of Coalitional Presidentialism, Taeko Hiroi
Malapportionment and Geographical Bases of Electoral Support in the Brazilian Senate, Pedro Neiva and Taeko Hiroi
Causes and Triggers of Coups d'état: An Event History Analysis, Sawa Omori and Taeko Hiroi
Analyzing the Determinants of Group Identity among Alevis in Turkey: A National Survey Study, Cigdem Sirin Villalobos
A Federalist George W. Bush and an Anti-Federalist Barack Obama? The Irony and Paradoxes behind Republican and Democratic Administration Drug Policies, José Villalobos
Agency Input as a Policy Making Tool: Analyzing the Influence of Agency Input on Presidential Policy Success in Congress, José Villalobos
The Metamorphosis of Leadership in a Democratic Mexico (2010), by Roderic Ai Camp, José Villalobos
Submissions from 2012
Manager-in-Chief: Applying Public Management Theory to Examine White House Chief of Staff Performance, David Cohen, Justin Vaughn, and José Villalobos
Political Performance, Leadership, and Regional Integration in Europe, Gaspare Genna, Birol Yesilada, and Peter Noordijk
The Determinants of Open and Closed Borders, Sergio Pena and Charles R. Boehmer
Environmental Protection, U.S. Influence on Latin American Policies, Cigdem Sirin
Examining the Role of Identity in Negotiation Decision Making: The Case of Cyprus, Cigdem Sirin
The Policy Czar Debate, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
Beyond the Barrio: Latinos in the 2004 Elections (2010), by Rodolfo O. de la Garza, Louis DeSipio, and David L. Leal, eds., José Villalobos
Ford Foundation, José Villalobos
James A. Garfield: 20th President of the United States, José Villalobos
Sitting with Oprah, Dancing with Ellen: Presidents, Daytime Television, and Soft News, José Villalobos
Agenda Setting from the Oval Office: An Experimental Examination of Presidential Influence over the Public Agenda, José Villalobos and Cigdem Sirin
Politics or Policy? How Rhetoric Matters to Presidential Leadership of Congress, José Villalobos, Justin Vaughn, and Julia Azari
Submissions from 2011
Does North America Have the Right Stuff? An Analysis of Compatibility and the Potential Deepening of North American Integration, Gaspare Genna
Composite Indexes and Systems of Indicators of Regional Integration., Gaspare Genna, Philippe DeLombaerde, Ettore Dorrucci, and Francesco Paolo Mongelli
Power Preponderance, Institutional Homogeneity and the Likelihood of Regional Integration, Gaspare M. Genna
Is it Cohesion or Diversion? Domestic Instability and the Use of Force in International Crises, Cigdem Sirin
Where Does the Buck Stop? Applying Attribution Theory to Examine Public Appraisals of the President, Cigdem Sirin and José Villalobos
Political Information and Emotions in Ethnic Conflict Interventions, Cigdem Sirin, José Villalobos, and Nehemia Geva
Nixon’s Super-Secretaries: The Last Grand Presidential Reorganization Effort (2010), by Mordecai Lee, José Villalobos
Promises and Human Rights: The Obama Administration on Immigrant Detention Policy Reform, José Villalobos
Staff of the People? Assessing Progress in Descriptive Representation under the Obama Administration, José Villalobos
Submissions from 2010
Economic size and the changing international political economy of trade: The development of western hemispheric FTAs, Gaspare Genna
Economic Size and the Changing International Political Economy of Trade: The Development of Western Hemispheric FTAs., Gaspare M. Genna
The Small N Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Regional Integration, Gaspare M. Genna and Philippe De Lombaerde
Central Bank Independence in Words and in Deeds: Lessons from Brazil and Chile, Taeko Hiroi and Douglas Block
White House Staff, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
Revolt Against the Czars: Why Barack Obama’s Staffing Critics Are (Mostly) Wrong, José Villalobos and Justin Vaughn
Submissions from 2009
Positive country images, trust and public support for European integration, Gaspare Genna
Exchange Rate Regime, Central Bank Independence, and Political Business Cycles in Brazil, Taeko Hiroi
Perils of Parliamentarism? Political Systems and the Stability of Democracy Revisited, Taeko Hiroi and Sawa Omori
Obama’s Empty Cupboard: Contending with Administrative Vacancies and the Threat to Neutral Competence, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
The Managing of the Presidency: Applying Theory-Driven Empirical Models to the Study of White House Bureaucratic Performance, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
The Obama Administration's Challenges after the 'War on Science': Reforming Staffing Practices and Protecting Scientific Integrity in the Executive Branch, Justin Vaughn and José Villalobos
Presidential Staffing and Public Opinion: How Public Opinion Influences Politicization, José Villalobos and Justin Vaughn
Submissions from 2008
A Re-assessment of Liberal Pacifism at the Monadic Level of Analysis, Charles Boehmer
Intergovernmental Organization Memberships: Examining Political Community and the Attributes of International Organizations, Charles Boehmer and Timothy Nordstrom
Human Rights and Human Wrongs (with Kathleen Staudt), Irasema Coronado