Open access to full text UTEP theses and dissertations, 2008-Present.
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The authors of works in this collection retain copyright; re-use of any work should be accompanied by proper attribution to the author; works should not be re-distributed without direct permission from the author. Embargoes on the distribution of dissertations/theses established upon their submission to the UTEP Graduate School are honored in this collection as well.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
"What, to a Prisoner, is the Fourth of July?": Mumia Abu-Jamal and Contemporary Narratives of Slavery, Luis Omar Ceniceros
Novel Endohedral Derivatives of Sc3N@C2n (n = 34, 40) and Unique Tether Controlled Bis-Functionalization of Fullerenes, Maira Raquel Ceron Hernandez
Low Level Lead Exposure and Inflammatory Markers in the Brains of C57BL/6J Mice, Miguel A. Cervantes
The Association between Dietary Sodium, Salt, and Elevated Blood Pressure among Hispanic Adults in El Paso, Texas, Cynthia Chacon
Molecular Dynamics Study On Defect Reduction Strategies Towards The Fabrication Of High Performance Cd1-xZnxTe/CdS SOLAR CELLS, Jose Juan Chavez
At The Intersection Of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals, The Migration Trust Network And Labor, Mario Javier Chavez
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Cambro-Ordovician Bliss Sandstone, Franklin Mountains of El Paso, Texas, Drew Adam Chenoweth
Study Of A Directly Heated Oxy-Fuel Supercritical Power Generation System, A S M Arifur Rahim Chowdhury
Secretos bajo tierra, Hector Cisneros Vazquez
The Impacts Of Health Status And Exposure To Environmental Toxins On Children's Grade Point Average In El Paso, Texas, Stephanie Elizabeth Clark
Understanding The Contractional History Of Surprise Canyon, California Through Digital Field Mapping, 3d Modeling, And U-Pb Zircon Geochronology, Joshua A. Cobb
The Tigua Indians of Ysleta del Sur: A Borderlands Community, Scott C. Comar
Parental Perception On The Impact Of Continued Use Of Baby Sign On Stress And Parent-Child Interaction: Follow-Up Survey One Year Post Hoc Of A Baby Sign Workshop, Brenda G. Compean
Multi-3D System: Advanced manufacturing through the implementation of material handling robotics, Jose Luis Coronel Jr.
Characterization of Kendex® 0834 (Heavy Resins) & Kendex® 0897 (Light Resins), Victor Correa
La Lutte pour L'Azawad: MNLA Public Relations Responses to Conflict in Northern Mali, 2011-2014, Sean Neil Curtis
Influence Of Stress On Substance Use: Age-Associated Variability In Molecular And Behavioral Outcomes, Christina Elizabeth D'arcy
Structural Organization Of The Connections Between Neurons Of The Paraventricular And Lateral Hypothalamic Regions In The Adult Male Rat, Berenise De Haro
Modeling and Preliminary Characterization of Passive, Wireless Temperature Sensors for Harsh Environment Applications Based on Periodic Structures, Diego Ivan Delfin Manriquez
Serine Palmitoyltransferase and Giardial Encystation, Monica Delgado
A Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for Poroelasticity, Paul M. Delgado
A Pilot Study Of Arsenic In Young Children From Two Rural West Texas Communities: Blood Levels, Household Water Levels, And Behavioral Outcomes, Michelle Del Rio
Moisture Susceptibility Of Dense Graded Asphalt Concrete Using Cyclic Moistue Induced Stress Tester, Sarvesh Dip Dhakal
Deviant Politics: Hip Hop As A Form Of Resistance Against Hypercriminalization And Structural Violence, Selene Ines Diaz
Libertad perpetua, Jose Durango
Quantifying Weathering Rates on Tropical Volcanic Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Weathering Rinds, Jacqueline Engel
Development Of Rigorous Electromagnetic Simulation Tools For Anisotropic Structures, Jose Luis Enriquez
Una fosa para Ana María, Diana V. Esparza Lara
Re-Examining Resistance: Fan-Produced Queer Readings and Teen Wolf, Joshua J. Espinoza
Comparing Electrophysiologic Differences In Linguistic And Tonal Auditory Oddball Tasks In A Normal Population, Luisa Alejandra Esquivel
#blacklivesmatter: The Investigation Of Twitter As A Site Of Agency In Social Movements, Joseph Lawrence Flores
Trace Element Behavior During Coal Combustion: Insights from Cadmium and Zinc Isotope Analysis, Fotios Fouskas
Dual Language K-2 Latina Teachers: Juxtaposing Linguistic Identities and Pedagogical Practices on the U.S.-Mexico frontera, Brenda Oriana Fuentes
A Case Study Of Accelerator Performance, Esthela Gallardo
Borderland Pedagogy Study Of High School Mathematics Teachers' Lesson Plan Development And Implementation Practices, Rocio E. Gallardo
Characterization of the Nodamura virus RNA dependent RNA polymerase and Formation of RNA Replication Complexes in Mammalian Cells, Vincent Ulysses Gant
Simulations Of The Effects Of Temperature And Plasma In Carbide Processing, Alejandro Garcia
Work-Life Balance: A Phenomenological Study On How Female Principals Balance Their Professional And Personal Lives, Blanca Estela Garcia
Effect Of Plastic Deformation Anisotropies On Shock-Induced Phase Transitions In Metallic Single Crystals, Punam Ghimire
Differences In Stress Biomarkers In Women With High And Low Stress Appraisal, Clarissa Sara Gomez
Fake Empire, Dennis Wilfredo Gonzalez
Transition States And Modeling For Co9S8/MoS2 Catalysis, Gabriel Angel Gonzalez
Identification Of Leishmania Spp. And T. Cruzi Parasites In Stray Felines In El Paso, Texas Through Polymerase Chain Reaction, Patricia Isabela Gonzalez
The Meteorological Conditions Affecting The Propagation Of Respiratory Diseases, Rosette Maria Gonzalez
Controls on Dolomitization of the Upper Ordovician Trenton Limestone in South-Central Kentucky, Collin James Gray
Physical Engagement As A Way To Increase Emotional Rapport In Interactions With Embodied Conversational Agents, Ivan Gris Sepulveda
Design And Analysis Of A Novel Latch System Implementing Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials, Francisco Guevara
An Improved Sin-Hyperbolic Constitutive Model For Creep Deformation And Damage, Mohammad Shafinul Haque
The Effects Of Stock Distributions On Returns, Volatility, And Price, Jason Heavilin
Multi-expert Multi-criteria Decision Making, Joel Henderson
Electrical Stimulation Uses Sodium Channel Dependent Depolarization To Produce Exocytotic-Like Dopamine Release And Rotational Behavior In Vivo, Alice Elaine Hernandez
Market Reactions To Businesses' Actions Towards People With Disabilities: Making The Business Case In The International Context, Claudia Araceli Hernández González
Immigration and Family Violence at the Household Level of Analysis: Examining the Effects of Immigrant Culture and Neighborhood Structure, Jorge Luis Hernandez
Comparison Of Bicycle Transportation Systems In El Paso And Prague, Jose C Hernandez
The Effects of a Sport-Related Concussion on the Motor Speech and the Motor Limb Movements: Examining Oral Diadochokinesis, Speech Rate, and Limb Tasks, Jessica Marie Hewitt
Perspectives On Feminine Cultural Gender Role Values From Latina Leaders And Community Residents, Nazanin Mina Heydarian
Beneath the Kiss: Unearthing the Ideological Underpinnings of Kay Jewelers Advertisements, Chelsea Nedlyn Hill
Computational Search For Novel Magnetic Clusters With Large Magnetic Anisotropy Energy, Nabil Md Rakinul Hoque
Design of a High Intensity Turbulent Combustion System, Mohammad Arif Hossain
High Temperature Helical Tubular Receiver For Concentrating Solar Power System, Nazmul Hossain
Sociocultural Influences On Perceived Risk In Latinos At Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes, Allyson S. Hughes
Study of Materials and Machines for 3D Printed Large-scale, Flexible Electronic Structures Using Fused Deposition Modeling, Seyeon Hwang
Rents, Loyalty, and the Economy: How an Unstable Economy Plays a Role in the Occurrence of Coups d'état, Alexandra Elizabeth Infanzon
Wind Farm Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Carlos Marco Ituarte-Villarreal
Optimization Of Green Logistics Using Genetic Algorithm Approach, Gabriela Ituarte-Villarreal
Design of Screening System for Transatlantic Container Transport, Michal Jizba
Memory, State Violence, And Revolution: Mexico's Dirty War In Ciudad Juárez, Vanessa Claire Johnson
Communication Of Self And Cyberlife Through Avatars In Second Life Online Communities, Kyron Joseph
Modeling Of The Response Of A Memcapacitor For An Impulse, Step, Ramp, And Sinusiodal Inputs, Ghassan Khalil Kachmar
Total SynThesis of Syringolides 1 and 2, Sudhakar Kalagara
Role Of Small Molecules In Rescuing Protein Folding Under Oxidative Stress, Mahmoud Fawzi Megahed Helal Khalil
Effects of Obesity on Slip-Related Falls among Young Adults during Gait, Jae Eun Kim
Japanese Computational Lexicon: A Computational Dictionary Of Japanese Verb Forms, Mayumi Kobayashi
GIS Approach in Vehicle Route Optimization for Residential Recyclables Collection, Karel Kus
Transition Metal Carbide (tmc) Novel Materials For Novel Catalytic Applications, Svetlana Lagoykina
An Ethnic Comparison Of Intimate Partner Violence Among Ecuadorian Women Of Reproductive-Age, Marlene Lara
Systematics Of The African River Frog Genus Amietia (anura: Pyxicephalidae) From Eastern Democratic Republic Of The Congo, Thornton Robert Larson
Thermal Shock Studies On Carbon-Carbon Composites: Experimentation And Analysis, Alma Lucia Leanos
Towards Analytical Techniques For Optimizing Knowledge Acquisition, Processing, Propagation, And Use In Cyberinfrastructure, Leonardo Octavio Lerma
The Window To The Bilingual Mind: Eye Movements Reveal Psycholinguistic Grain Unit Sizes Of Bilingual Spoken Word Recognition, Yu-Cheng Lin
The Role of p62/IMP2 in Breast Cancer Progression, Yang Li
ISO-Power-Efficiency: An Approach To Scaling Application Codes With A Power Budget, Rogelio Long
Expression And Functional Analysis Of Lipids And Glycolipids From The Mammal-Dwelling Stages Of Trypanosoma Cruzi, Felipe Gazos Lopes
Bounded Rationality in Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Towards Optimal Granularity, Joseph Anthony Lorkowski
One Size Does Not Fit All: Looking Beyond Homeless Housing-First and Housing-Ready Approaches to Enhanced Models of the U.S.-Mexico Border and New York City, Jacqueline Loweree
A Cell Formation Algorithm for Sequential Processes with Alternative Machine Selection in the Automotive Lighting Industry, Victor Manuel Loya Garnica
Health Assessment For Loved Ones: Development And Validation Of A New Instrument To Measure Well-Being In Military Spouses, Christi Luby
SynThesis of Benzofused-p-indolequinones from 1,4-naphthoquinone and selective N-Debenzylation by Dess-Martin Periodinane, Quang Huynh Luu
Nanoceria Exposure To Kidney Beans (phaseolus Vulgaris): Implications On Plant Physiology, Nutrition And Their Transfer To Next Trophic Level, Sanghamitra Majumdar
La Otra Frontera: Exiles, Engineering, and State Power in the Chiapan Borderlands, Aaron Margolis
The Contribution of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion to the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Kylie Lauren Marshall
The Impacts Of Water Availability On Macroinvertebrate, Ector Matias Martell