Free and Open Source Tools (FOSTs): An Empirical Investigation of Pre-Service Teacher’s Competency, Attitude, and Pedagogical Intention.
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This study examines the digital native pre-service teachers' (DNPSTs) perceptions of their competency, attitude, and pedagogical intention to use free and open source tools (FOSTs) in their future teaching. Participants were 294 PSTs who responded to pre-course surveys at the beginning of an educational technology course. Using the structural equation modeling, the data obtained from the Likert-type questionnaire were analyzed. Results showed that computer competency was a significant predictor of attitude toward using technology. Although PSTs scored high on their computer competency, this did not mean that they have strong stances towards using FOSTs in the classroom. However, the more skilled PSTs with FOSTs, the possibilities of using FOSTs in the classroom were higher. The results also suggested that DNPST's attitude toward using technology was a significant determinant of their attitude toward using FOSTs.
Asing-Cashman, Joyce G.; Gurung, Binod; Limbu, Yam B.; Rutledge, David International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, v26 n1 p66-77 2014