Mexican (Im)migrant Students and Education: Constructions of and Resistance to ‘Illegality

Haley Seif
Char Ullman
Guillermina Nunez-Mrchi, UTEP


The editors bring together scholars and scholar-activists who have conducted research in various parts of the country in this special journal that focuses on the social and political contexts facing undocumented Mexican students. Inspired by Nicholas De Genova’s work (2002; 2004; 2010, among others), like the thousands of young people, family members, and volunteers at the Navy Pier, this issue challenges the reification of “illegal immigrant” students and youth. By viewing immigration law not as “definitive” and “coherent” (De Genova, 2002, 425), but as an “undetermined struggle” (Holloway in De Genova, 2002, 425), we can examine the process whereby Mexican (im)migrant students are produced as “illegal” and resist this construction.1