
Problems withe norms of the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach: Methodological and Conceptual Considerations

Publication Date

January 2001

Journal/Book Title/Conference

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.


In "The Misperception of Psychopathology: Problems with the Norms of the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach," we reviewed results from 32 studies and concluded that the norms of the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach are inaccurate and tend to make nonpatient Americans appear psychologically disordered. Hnsley and Di Giulio, Widiger, and Aronow all agree that our review uncovered serious problems with the CS norms. However, CS proponents Exner and Meyer disagree. In this reply we address criticisms and express the hope that CS proponents will eventually acknowledge the importance of the research findings and develop more accurate norms.
