Open access to full text UTEP theses and dissertations, 2008-Present.
Find theses and dissertations from 1942 to 2007 in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses . Full text is available to UTEP affiliates or other institutions with a ProQuest subscription.
Authors whose dissertations/theses were completed before 2008 can contact Lisa Weber ( to have the full text of their work added to this collection.
The authors of works in this collection retain copyright; re-use of any work should be accompanied by proper attribution to the author; works should not be re-distributed without direct permission from the author. Embargoes on the distribution of dissertations/theses established upon their submission to the UTEP Graduate School are honored in this collection as well.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Pre-existing attitudes about the legal system: The thirteenth juror?, Larissa Angelique Schmersal
Deterring Bonds: Why She Can't Leave., Yolanda Cora Seidler
Discrete Element Modelling Of Silicon Nitride Ceramics: Crack Formation And Propagation In Indentation Test And Four Point Bending Test, Rajeev Senapati
Revision Of The Ant Genus Procryptocerus (hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae: Cephalotini), Francisco Serna
An Optimization Approach for the Cascade Vulnerability Problem, Christian Servin
In Defense of the Value of Visual Arts in Public Education:An Examination of Scholarly Arguments for Functionary Pedagogy and Intrinsic Fulfillment, Monica Lynn Seymore
Farsas de la memoria y otros relatos, César Silva-Santisteban
Salt Separation Processes In Salt Cedar, Rudy Sookbirsingh
Mexican-American Concepts On Gender And Identity: A Teacher's Perspective In A Fifth Grade Classroom, Cynthia Soto
A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes toward and Responses to Email and Postal Direct Mail Advertising, Caroline Staub Staub Garland
Computational Modeling Studies of the Structures and Properties of Organotin(IV) and Stannyl-Thioether Systems with Comparisons to X-ray Crystallography, Michelle R. Stem Joseph
An Impedance Model Approach for Adaptive Cruise Control, Xi Sun
A Tobacco Consumption Diary To Assess The Factors Associated With Smoking In A Light Smoking College Population, Thom J. Taylor
Zinc and Copper Isotopes as Tracers of Anthropogenic Contamination in a Sediment Core From an Urban Lake, Anita Thapalia
Hip Hop Rhetoric: Relandscaping the Rhetorical Tradition, Roberto Jose Tinajero II
Integrated Finite Element Analysis Program to Evaluate Pavement Performance and Predict Non-Destructive Testing Response, Cesar Tirado
Retrofitting A Stereolithography System Within A Laminar Flow Hood, Mahesh Pandurang Tonde
Transition Metal Catalysts For Hydrodesulfurization Reactions Applied To Petroleum Industry, Brenda Torres
Studies of Prompt Gamma and Neutron Yield Due to 2.5 MeV Neutrons Using GEANT4, Jesus Felipe Tovar
Impacting Testing Of High Temperature Ceramics Through The Use Of A Vitiated Heater For Hot And Cold Fire Collisions, Adrian Trejo
The Role of RNA Secondary Structure in Replication of Nodamura Virus RNA2, John Howard Upton
Multiplicative Riesz Decomposition on the Ring of Matrices over a Totally Ordered Field, Julio Cesar Urenda
Understanding Deviant Behaviors Through Coercion And Social Support Theory, Maria Nicte-Ha Uribe
Experimental study of the response of Semiconductor Detectors for EDXRF Analysis., Sunil Kumar Valaparla
Survey Research on Communication and Language for English Language Learners and Native English Speakers Enrolled in a College Course on Statistical Literacy, Maria Guadalupe Valenzuela
An Experimental Study Of The Hydrodynamics Of Multiphase Flow In Fluidized Beds, Gerardo Vargas
A Characterization of Pseudo-Orders in the Ring Zn, Jorge Ivan Vargas
Fabrication And Characterization Of Zirconium Oxide Thin Films, Vemnkata Rama Sesha Ravi Kumar Vemuri
High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Nb-20Mo-15Si-5B-20Cr Alloy, Julieta Angelica Ventura
Characterization of high resolution range and Doppler chaotic LADAR, Berenice Verdin
Using Chromium Stable Isotopes to Monitor Chromium Reactive Transport: Oxidation Experiments and Field Studies, Alejandro Villalobos Aragon
Multiple Objective Optimization of Performance Based Logistics, Delia Villanueva
A Lingering Grudge in the Face of a Power Transition; the French Canadian Movement in Perspective, Sergio Villarreal
By-Product Synergy In The Textile Industry: Indigo Waste Recovery In The Denim Finishing Process, Dennis Wambuguh
Education, Infrastructure, And Regional Income Performance In Arkansas, Phuntsho Wangmo
Vision-Based Virtual Mouse System, Tom Wanjala Watiti
Methodology To Develop A Minimum Cost Acceptance Sampling Plan For Highway Construction, Gandhar Wazalwar
Attention Allocation And The Variability Of The Stereotype Priming Effect, Katherine R. White
Pressure Induced Phase Transformation of SnO2: An ab initio constant pressure study, Daniel Tesfai Yehdego
Lipid Uptake and Metabolism in the Parasitic Protozoan Giardia lamblia., Mayte Yichoy
Remote Control Of Multiple Robots: A Wireless Sensor Network And Virtual Reality Approach, Yingjun Zhu
Estimating Variation in Stiffness and Volume Change of Clays from Geochemical and Index Properties, Cynthia Roxanna Zuniga
Exploring Poly(ethylene Glycol) As A Suitable Material For Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Scaffolds Manufactured By Stereolithography, Nubia Zuverza
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Three Screenplays, Geoffrey Abruzzi
E-Quality Control: A Support Vector Machines Approach, Kalyan Reddy Aleti
MySpace Use as a Potentially Dysfunctional Internet Behavior, Linda Maria Anderson
Adaptive hp-FEM for Elliptic Problems in 3D on Irregular Meshes, David Andrs
The Ethnomedical Context of Tuberculosis in a Northern Ecuadorian Province, Yamira Alejandra Araujo
Stereolithography of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hydrogels with Application in Tissue Engineering as Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Scaffolds, Karina Arcaute
Developing lexical competition resolution mechanisms through reading experiences, Ana B. Areas Da Luz Fontes
Student Performance with and Attitudes toward Electronic Distributed Assessment in First-Year Composition Classes, Annette Arrigucci
The Effect of Hand Position on Maximum Performance of Push-ups in Adults, Gregory Douglas Brickey
Attorneys' and Jurors' Perceptions of Juvenile Offenders' Culpability, Catherine Camilletti
Study of Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Small ZnS Clusters by DFT, Venkata Ramana Chaganti
Regional Electricity in the United States, Sergio Luis Contreras
A Distributed Reconstruction of EKG Signals, Gabriel Cordova
Regional Real Property Valuation Forecast Accuracy, Katherine Nicole Cote
Unlocking Creativity in the Classroom, Rose Marie De La Cruz-Bechtel
Dual-Language Education: A Longitudinal Study of Students' Achievement in an El Paso County, Texas School District, Pauline Anne Dow
Effect of Resistance Training in the Improvement of H:Q Ratio in Males and Females, Pradeep Edupuganti
Hedonic Housing Prices in Ciudad Juarez, Karen P. Fierro
Evaluation of an Image Processing Algorithm for Scene Change Detection, Daniel Flores
Homography Based Multiple Camera Detection of Camouflaged Targets, Jesus Flores Guerra
Analysis Of Number And Mass Concentration Of Coarse And Fine, Nancy Garcia
Guidelines for Using Local Material for Roadway Base and Subbase, Biraj Gautam
In-vivo Delivery of DNA Vaccines Using Metallo-lipid Nanoparticles, Clarissa Sara Gomez
The Role of Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI) in Oxidative Folding, Veronica Gonzalez
Cervical Cancer Risk Behaviors in Women Attending A Dysplasia Clinic in Chihuahua City, Cynthia Guerrero
The Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Correlates of Club Drug Use among Hispanic College Students, Brenda Sue Hanson
Screening The Phytoremediation Potential Of Native Plants Growing On Mine Tailings In Arizona, Usa, Md Nazmul Haque
Perspectives of White/non-Hispanic Male Superintendents of Majority-Hispanic School Districts in Texas, Samuel Franklin Hogue
An Examination of Wind Band Transcriptions, Russell J. Houser
The Effect of the Texas Student Success Initiative on Grade 5 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Failures, Ginny Lee Hunt
A Comparison Of The Profiles And Career Pathways, Terri Kaylene Jordan
Quantifying Anisotropy In Asphalt Concrete Pavements Using An Ultrasonic Method, Monica C. Jurado
Phase Change Cooling Applications - Engine Cooling, Kiran Kumar Katta
Optical And Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies Of Synthetic Maya Pigments As A Function Of, Swati Kumar
Shakespeare and the Interhuman: The Mimetic Chrysalis of Buber's Between, Elizabeth Burford Lang
Allocating Emergency Response Vehicles To Cover Critical Infrastructures, Hao Lei
A Grounded Theory Study Of Inequities Of Power And Privilege: African-American Educators' Anti-Hegemonic Counter-Narratives, Bonnie Blidgen Mckinley
Molecular Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi and Shed Vesicle Components Involved in Host Immunomodulation and Cell Invasion, Ernesto Satoshi Nakayasu
Testing Maquiladora Forecast Accuracy, George Novela
Motherhood:Portrayals in American Literature, Christine J. O'leary
The Correlation Between Social Desirability and Endorsement Rate of Test Items Using the SNAP and NEO-FFI, Cynthia Pedregon
Assessment of Human Muscle Fatigue from Surface EMG Signals Recorded during Isometric Voluntary Contractions by using a Cosine Modulated Filter Bank, Cristhian Mauricio Potes
The Effects of Using A Scripted or Unscripted Interview in Forensic Interviews With Interpreters, Nicole Pruss
A Study Of The Interaction Of Thioindigo Dye, With Several Inorganic Host Materials, Alejandra Ramirez
Exploring Dialectic Tensions in Teachers' Relationships in School Settings, Griselda Rodriguez
Gender Stereotypes in Spanish Language Television Programming for Children in the United States, Carlo Andre Romo
Zinc Telluride Deposition Using Close Space Sublimation, Luis Carlos Romo
Theory of Planned Behavior Constructs as Mediators of Behavior Change Associated with a Brief Alcohol Intervention, Denise Servo
An Analysis And Overview Of Selected Original Compositions, Miguel Angel Soto
The N400 ERP: Semantic vs. Evaluative Incongruities, Jennifer Hilda Taylor
Prosecutorial Perseveration: A Reaction to Public Commitment?, Elizabeth Rose Uhl
Effect Of Redox-Cycling Agents On Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity In Vitro And Modulation Of Protein Expression In Vivo: No Nitric Oxide Synthase In Mitochondria, Priya Venkatakrishnan
Giardia Lamblia: Genomic And Molecular Analyses Of Flippase, Diana Leticia Villazana-Kretzer
Expert System Design Guide for Lower Classification Roads over High PI Clays, Yaqi Wanyan
Quality Evaluation of Portland Cement Concrete at Early Age with Free-Free Resonant Column, Gilberto Wenglas
The Application Of Federal And Texas State Sentence Ranges In A, Jessica Leigh Wildermuth