Publication Date



Technical Report: UTEP-CS-19-33

To appear in Journal of Uncertain Systems, 2020, Vol. 14.


In the US education system, instructors typically use 90/100, 80/100, 70/100, and 60/100 thresholds to gauge students' knowledge: students who get 90 or more points out of 100 get the highest grade of A, students whose grades are in between 80 and 90 get a B, followed by C, D, and F (fail). In this paper, we show that these seemingly arbitrary threshold have a natural explanation: A means that a student can solve almost all problems; C means that two students with this level of knowledge can solve almost all problems when working together; D means that we need at least three such students; and B means that, working jointly with a D student, they can solve almost all problems.
