Country of Origin




All of Julius Schwartz's letters are handwritten in English. Some of the letters and cables from Mexico are in Spanish. One cable is in German.

See also Folder 19 -- Steifel, Josef -- 1939 - 1940 (part 2 of 2) and Steifel, Josef


Julius Schwarz is trying to bring his relatives from Germany to Lordsburg, New Mexico. He contacts Mrs. Zlabovsky for help and advice. The main problem in this case is that once Jews leave Germany they cannot return, and Mexico will not grant a visa without the guarantee of a six month right of return. The other problem is that the lawyer in Mexico handling the arrangements either is not listening to, or not understanding, what Mrs. Zlabovsky is telling him regarding Germany, Jews, and visas.

The lawyer instructs the Mexican Consul in Hamburg to grant a visa for six months providing that the Steifel's have a guarantee they can return to Germany.

This is a very long document with many, many letters between Mr. Schwatz and Mrs. Zlabovsky, and Mrs. Zlabovsky and a lawyer in Mexico.
