Publication Date
February 2009
Journal/Book Title/Conference
TI-ME (Technology Institute for Music Educators) National Conference in Conjuntion with the Texas Music Educators Association Convention
In September 2007, the University of Texas at El Paso Music Theatre Company embarked on a voyage of on-line discovery: how to utilize YouTube as a tool for self-and peer critique and outside professional review. Music Theatre Company is the Department of Music’s opera/music theatre skills development workshop and production company, presenting two to three scenes and/or full-scale productions each year. As such, its curriculum has traditionally revolved around the preparation and in-class coaching of songs, arias, and scenes, with public concert or production outcomes.
The recent addition of a required textbook has added a necessary written assignment component; however, students have responded apathetically to this requirement. Consequently, the You Sing, YouTube project was developed to address the following goals:
o Make textbook concepts more relevant to the students
o Make written assignments appear more exciting and worthwhile by introducing familiar technology
o Encourage higher levels of preparation by upping performance expectations, i.e. public performance for a broader audience
This workshop will take participants through a series of three assignments utilizing YouTube, detailing the processes of taping and uploading video to the website, creating public and private forums on the site, peer and self-critique mechanisms, and soliciting comments from outside reviewers, including colleagues from other universities and professional performers and directors. It will include a discussion of necessary equipment, tips for success, footage of student assignments, and a live demonstration of the You Sing, YouTube project from taping to review. Finally, the workshop will conclude with a brief question/answer session.