Publication Date
June 2016
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Journal of Mathematics Education
In an event-based series of on-site activities with high school students through an Action Science approach, fundamental concepts were explored including the foundations for functions, geometric think and spatial reasoning, the development of mathematical models, as well as techniques for working with spatial figures to understand underlying relationships. The activities in which students participated were designed to teach fundamental mathematics concepts in algebra and geometry in an approach that utilized transformative educational strategies, which helped students move from memorizing facts and content to constructing knowledge in meaningful and useful manners. With an emphasis on a collaborative data collection process, students proposed solutions to problems in which they interacted with action sports athletes who performed maneuvers on ramps and other props. The team of athletes, utilizing a peer-mentor approach, worked alongside the students in activities that incorporated mathematics, while the students collected real world data. These interactions within field-based learning opportunities allowed the students to explore practical applications of mathematics principles in geometry and algebra in the context of BMX and skateboarding.
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