Publication Date
January 2007
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Revista chilena de educación científica
This article, written in Spanish, describes the impacts of an effort to increase the teaching abilities of a group of Chemistry Peer Leaders working with undergraduates in fundamental Chemistry classes. The provided abstracts, in Spanish and English, describe the overall approach and the results obtained from the study done in the fall of 2005. A partnership between the College of Education and the College of Science at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) which was developed in order to strengthen the pedagogical methods within the context of chemistry content for student Peer Leaders. The goal was to enhance their overall facilitation skills within a workshop setting. The pedagogical techniques included Socratic questioning, cooperative grouping, constructivism, scaffolding and other instructional methods relevant to the content to be explored and explained from chemistry lectures. The Peer Leaders received focused instruction in pedagogy throughout the fall of 2005 while continuing to lead workshop demonstrations and explorations. As a result, the student’s personal beliefs of their abilities to teach and facilitate learning show that the Peer Leaders participating in the pedagogical workshops believe they now have a greater impact in teaching. The increased capacity for Peer Leaders to translate increased self-efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs into increased teaching confidence in their future teaching efforts is the desired outcome trend.
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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons