
Publication Date

March 2010

Journal/Book Title/Conference

Proceedings of American Institute of Higher Education (AIHE) International Conference 2010, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 288-297.


Dr. Skateboard’s Action Science maps to the physical science Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) standards that all middle school students need to learn. Dr. Skateboard’s Action Science explores scientific concepts in a curriculum supplement that is designed to address both physical science content and process skills. The video instruction focuses on fundamental concepts found in the areas of motion, forces, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and simple machines. The use of familiar activities, situations and objects, such as skateboarding and bicycle motocross (BMX), around which students can explore and explain scientific concepts can be defined as action science. The main purpose of the approach is to provide an interesting method of engaging students in the exploration of science in a real world context. As an extension of this approach for the classroom, approximately 25 teachers were chosen to be part of a cohort chosen by the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEARUP) program. GEARUP was developed to expand students’ educational opportunities and to assist participants in becoming college eligible and then academically successful in higher education. The participating teachers were involved in a series of workshops designed to enhance their instructional methods and science content knowledge, which they would utilize in teaching students participating in a GEARUP summer institute. The goal of the workshops was to model the use of student-centered constructivist approaches through the integration of video instruction and classroom activities materials for use in science classrooms.
