
Dr. Skateboard’s Action Science

Publication Date

September 2008


Dr. Skateboard’s Action Science is designed to incorporate both a four part Video Series and an accompanying activity booklet that focuses on concepts in physical science that integrates both skateboarding and BMX. Dr. Skateboard’s Action Science explores concepts suitable for middle grade (4-8) students in a curriculum that is designed to address both the objectives and enduring knowledge of physical science in content and process skills for both the National Science Standards and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The video instruction provides the teacher with a series of instructional hooks and content information that can be used to explore and explain the given content information as well as engage the students in classroom activities. In partnership with the El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) and the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), Dr. Skateboard’s Action Science is being produced to provide classroom instruction in the Middle Grades classrooms across the EPISD. For more information:

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