Publication Date
July 2011
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Survey Research
The goal of this study is to identify and compare predictors of smoking initiation, persistence and smoking status among Hispanics and Whites. The sample includes 1,410 Hispanic and non-Hispanic White adults living in El Paso, TX, USA and Doña Ana and Otero counties, NM, USA from the Paso del Norte 2002 BRFSS. Whites reported higher rates of cigarette smoking and became regular smokers earlier than Hispanics. Males were twice more likely to initiate cigarette smoking and progress to regular smoking than females among Hispanics, but this gender difference among Whites was not significant. Childhood exposure to drinkers or alcoholics was an important predictor of smoking initiation and becoming a regular smoker, but only among Hispanics. Few identified ethnic differences in predictors of smoking were found. The findings underscore the importance of Hispanic norms on smoking behaviors. Prevention efforts need to address the culture as one of the important components relevant to smoking.