Publication Date
January 2009
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Women in French Studies
Special Issue
Since 2003, when Clémence Boulouque's memoir, Mort d'un silence, was published, its author has written in a variety of genres, including novels, articles, and film scripts. Mort d'un silence interests the reader for several reasons: it revisits Judge Gilles Boulouque's suicide in December 1990 and the consequences of this act for his family, especially his thirteen-year-old daughter, Clémence; it recalls the political climate in France during the late 1980s, when Gilles Boulouque had already begun to fight terrorism; and it illustrates the tension between disclosure and concealment as its twenty-six-year-old narrator describes her passage from childhood to adolescence and from young to more mature adulthood.
Publisher Statement
Copyright 2009 by Women in French Studies. Women in French is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals and an Allied Organization of the Modern Language Association of America.