Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts




Aurelia L. Murga


According to the Pew Hispanic Center, as of 2013, there are an estimated 33.7 million persons of Mexican-origin (native and foreign-bon) currently residing in the United States. Mexican-origin persons currently occupy 17% of the total population of the country (Stepler and Brown 2015). While Mexican-origin persons occupy the largest ethnic group within the Latino/a pan-ethnic group research on intra-ethnic group relations (Mexicans and Mexican-Americans) is limited (for exceptions see Gutierrez 2000; Ochoa 2004; Knoll 2012; Morales, Murga, and Sanchez 2013; Dowling 2014; Alba et al. 2014). This research has examined the relationships and perceptions that Mexican-Americans have towards Mexican immigrants and Mexican transnationals in a setting in which the two groups reside in close proximity to one another. Using 15 qualitative, in-depth, semi-structured interviews, with Mexican-Americans living El Paso, Texas, this research has found that living in a region where the people living on both sides of the border share common ancestry, does not protect them from internalizing white racism, xenophobia and inclinations to discriminate. That is, Mexican-Americans living on the border with Mexico does not protect them from this discourse. Whether subtle or overt Mexican-Americans conceptualize Mexican immigrants and Mexican nationals as the other despite living in close proximity to each other and in spite of sharing an ancestral lineage.




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File Size

72 pages

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Angela Jacqueline Silva

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