Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts
Creative Writing
Jessica L. Powers
A Tejano Story: Resisting Anti-Mexican Violence and The Texas Rangers Writing about Los Tejanos cannot be told without including the Texas Rangers. It only complicates the narrative when writing a screenplay for the big screen. The story cannot be told without acknowledging historical facts; the Texas Rangers came hard against the Tejanos after the battle for Texas Independence even though many Tejanos fought in that war and shared the same vision as their Euro-American counterparts of breaking their ties with the Mexican government. Just However, like lynching across this country, that history cannot be erased, nor can the exploits of the Texas Rangers be ignored. It is part of the state's history; whitewashing cannot change that. So is the history of the people of color oppressed, namely Los Tejanos, by the Rangers' actions against the people it tried to extricate from the land. The Rangers used threats, fear, and intimidation, and to inflicted their ungodly violence on the Tejano and Mexican populations of Texas to carry out their racist doctrine of Manifest Destiny. This thesis is not a story about the Texas Rangers' service; it is about the people who resisted and fought back and continue to fight for justice and the right to build vibrant solid lives as citizens of this state like our ancestors who died at the hands of the Texas Rangers. This thesis attempts to and continue righting the wrongsof an era long past. (Martinez)
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File Size
111 p.
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Rights Holder
Jose Andres Yznaga Jr
Recommended Citation
Yznaga Jr, Jose Andres, "A Tejano Story: Resisting Anti-Mexican Violence And The Texas Rangers" (2023). Open Access Theses & Dissertations. 4312.