Date of Award
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Mechanical Engineering
Eric MacDonald
In additive manufacturing, a software program called a â??slicerâ?? is used to create toolpath instructions to command a 3D printer. This slicing program imports a CAD geometry, typically as a mesh file such as an STL, â??slicesâ?? it into layers, fits toolpaths to each layer, then exports g-code to be imported to the 3D printer. This approach can be used on many types of 3D printers from filament extrusion, to syringe thermoset deposition, to wire arc welding. While each of these processes use different feed stocks and hardware configurations, the underlying slicing approach remains the same. During the path planning step of the slicing process, the toolpaths are typically optimized to connect the disparate paths together in a way that, ideally, minimizes travel distance for the deposition head. While these optimization strategies are often effective at decreasing total travel distance, they may unintentionally increase print time and decrease mechanical properties.This dissertation takes an in-depth look at what these optimization strategies are and how they work. A new implementation for optimization strategies is created via open-source software to allow more control over the path optimization process. Finally, the optimization strategies are rigorously tested with polymer extrusion to show how different optimization strategies impact print time, total path length, slicing time, heat distribution, geometric accuracy, mechanical performance, and layer to layer bonding.
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Copyright Date
File Size
161 p.
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Rights Holder
Alex Roschli
Recommended Citation
Roschli, Alex, "Configurable Toolpath Optimization For Extrusion Additive Manufacturing" (2024). Open Access Theses & Dissertations. 4295.