Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Mechanical Engineering


Vinod Kumar

Second Advisor

Arturo Bronson


In this study, we have performed two-dimensional steady-state hypersonic CFD and one-and-two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction numerical simulations. We are using them to guide and study hypersonic boundary-layer transition ground testing physical experiments to be performed at Holloman High-Speed Test Track. We use surface heat transfer and fluid flow spot signatures to identify fluid flow regimes using laminar and turbulent numerical simulation solvers to understand boundary-layer transition thermocouple temperatures and fluid flow-forming structures. We have also analyzed the fluid flow in the geometries to be inviscid. We passed the CFD solution into the boundary-layer Harris code developed by NASA to explore the boundary layer for laminar fluid flow correlation predictions developed by PANT and Demetriades. Where analysis has been performed to study these effects under non-dimensional numbers, in this study, ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS Transient Heat Transfer and Python and MATLAB Codes have been used to compute the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes and the Heat Equation. The coupling between the solvers allows us to perform a complete aero-thermal analysis of a blunt cone for our proposed experiment. The blunt cone numerical simulation has been validated using Stetsonâ??s experiment at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ludwig tube. Using this methodology, we can forecast boundary-layer transition for modern nose geometries.




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File Size

119 p.

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Rights Holder

Arturo Rodriguez
