Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Mechanical Engineering


Evgeny Shafirovich


The demand for hydrogen is growing which makes the development of clean and efficient H2 synthesis technologies imperative. Microwave-assisted, thermocatalytic, dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons has demonstrated the ability to generate H2 with high yield/selectivity and leaving behind valuable solid carbon byproducts. However, this microwave-assisted process is unoptimized which prevents it from being utilized in industry. A critical component of optimization is the development of a catalyst that is catalytically active, a good microwave absorber, and can be regenerated for repeated dehydrogenation cycles. Previous studies that focused on plastic waste decomposition have used iron-based alumina (FeAlxOy) made via solution combustion synthesis (SCS). Unexplored is the effect of tuning SCS parameters on dehydrogenation performance, the use of these materials in hydrocarbon decomposition to H2, and the regeneration of these catalysts. This dissertation has three objectives: (1) characterize the relationship between SCS parameters and the material properties of FeAlxOy, (2) determine how differences in the material properties of FeAlxOy influence their performance as catalysts during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of fossil fuels, and (3) investigate the Boudouard reaction to regenerate the FeAlxOy post-dehydrogenation.




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File Size

210 p.

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Rights Holder

Zachary Aidan Chanoi

Available for download on Tuesday, July 08, 2025
