Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science




Eda Koculi


The ribosome is the multimegadaltons RNA-protein complex responsible for protein production in every known organism. Propper ribosome assembly is required for protein production to occur efficiently and accurately. RNA provides the platform for the ribosome assembly. Dozens of protein maturations factors facilitate RNA folding, post-transcriptional modifications and processing during ribosome assembly in bacterial cells. A complete understanding of ribosome assembly in cell requires the systematic characterization of all the RNA folding, modifications, maturation, processing events, and how are all these RNA maturation events are synchronized both in time and space.In cells, bacterial ribosome assembly occurs quickly, with short-lived ribosomal intermediates. To increase the accumulation of ribosomal intermediates in cells for biochemical and structural investigations, the helicase inactive R331A DbpA construct was implemented. DbpA is an Escherichia coli (E. coli) DEAD-box RNA helicase involved in large subunit ribosome assembly in bacteria. When R331A DbpA is expressed in cells, three large subunit ribosomal intermediates with sedimentation coefficients of 27S, 35S and 45S accumulate. Using Oxford Nanopore Technologies Direct RNA Sequencing kit, the RNA modifications and processing of 35S and 45S intermediates present in the E. coli cells expressing R331A DbpA were investigated. Furthermore, using multiple gene deletion and different growth conditions, the role of Hfq and ProQ proteins in ribosome assembly and how their functions are interconnected to the DbpA proteinâ??s function during the ribosome maturation process was investigated.




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80 p.

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Isaac Samuel Weislow

Available for download on Sunday, December 31, 2028
