Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering


Amit J. Lopes


Collaborative robots or â??Cobotsâ?? are a type of robot that works in the same workspace as a human operator to assist in repetitive, hazardous tasks with accuracy and efficiency under the supervision of a human operator. In this age of Industrial 4.0, with the remarkable development of robotics, collaborative robots are introduced into smart manufacturing and industrial applications. Cobots are incorporated into several industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, technology, medical and cosmetics, manufacturing, etc. Cobots that work in a fixed coordinate system, are faster, and more productive. However, for industries with a variety of items, it is not cost-effective or feasible to produce fixtures and molds for each item and its sub-items. Hence, the vision system will provide more flexibility to the system. This study aims to work on the vision system to determine the optimum conditions for the Cobot to work effectively. The experiment was carried out by utilizing a setup with a UR3e Cobot with a ROBOTIQ Adaptive Gripper (end-effector), a ROBOTIQ wrist camera, an Amprobe Digital Light meter and a reflectance measurement setup with an integrating sphere. The factors of the experiment are color, and shape of the parts, ambient light and snapshot position (scanning height). This research will help to create the pathway for cobots usage in manufacturing and reduce its inconsistencies to improve the collaboration with a human operator to work simultaneously for applications like pick-and-place and assembly operations.




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File Size

110 p.

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Rights Holder

Md Asif Khan Sharon

Available for download on Wednesday, August 19, 2026
