Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Education




Cynthia Carolina Terán López


This thesis paper investigates the multifaceted challenges and the potential solutions to the issues afflicting rural education. Despite being often marginalized in educational policy discussions, rural schools confront a plethora of unique issues that significantly impact the educational experiences of students and the overall well-being of their communities. This paper explores the elusive concept of “rurality”, emphasizing that rural communities are diverse and dynamic, shaped by different historical, cultural, and socioeconomic factors.

The review of the literature includes a historical analysis tracing the evolution of rural education, highlighting key turning points, legislation, and social forces that have contributed to rural education’s contemporary condition. By examining the intersectional nature of rurality with other identities, the paper reveals the complexity of the challenges faced by rural schools, which include resource accessibility, instructional quality, socioeconomic inequality, and policy decisions. Central to this inquiry is the role of community and the impact of educational policy on rural schools. The literature reveals the critical importance of community involvement and the influence that the implementation of informed pedagogical and policy approaches can have on rural communities. The findings underscore the necessity of collaboration among educators, policymakers, community members, and stakeholders to implement effective changes. Through a comprehensive assessment of existing literature, this thesis paper proposes strategies for addressing these challenges, advocating for educational equity and the empowerment of rural communities. By prioritizing educational equity and fostering community empowerment, rural communities can thrive through the transformative power of education, regardless of geographic location.




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File Size

88 p.

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Alexis Jane Barker

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