Publication Date




Exhibit Design Team: Daniel Carey-Whalen, Faylee Overman, Samantha Winer.

Graphic Design/Preparator: Faylee Overman

Translations: Mayra Gonzalez, Sebastian Carrasco, Evan Lopez, Vianey Lozoya.

Special Thanks To: Mr. Anibal Moreno, Laura Moreno, Dr. Hernan Moreno, Dr. LauraAlvarez, Jayanga Thanuka Samrasinghe, Juan Pablo De Anda De Alva, Faylee Overman,Samantha Winer, Evan Lopez. Daniel Carey-Whalen, GeoSenSE, and the Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens.


‘’Rivers and Basins’’ is an art exhibition made up of twenty-two paintings painted by Colombian artist Annibal Moreno. The exhibit was set up as a joint effort by the Geospatial Sensing and Sampling of the Environment (GeoSenSE) lab of the Department of Earth Environmental and Resources Sciences of the University of Texas at El Paso, and The Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens. This collection of paintings was chosen to help the audience learn more about the vitality, and the importance of protecting and understand the rivers and basins of the world and help them expand their knowledge in such topics. It was by mixing art with science that each painting has a designated description that explains each artwork in a detailed manner helping the visitor understand the topics through a different approach.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons
