
On Parameter Inference for Step-Stress Accelerated Life Test with Geometric Distribution

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Ronghua Wang, Xiaoling Xu, Rong Pan & Naijun Sha (2012) On Parameter Inference for Step-Stress Accelerated Life Test with Geometric Distribution, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 41:10, 1796-1812, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2010.551455


In this article, we present the parameter inference in step-stress accelerated life tests under the tampered failure rate model with geometric distribution. We deal with Type-II censoring scheme involved in experimental data, and provide the maximum likelihood estimate and confidence interval of the parameters of interest. With the help of the Monte-Carlo simulation technique, a comparison of precision of the confidence limits is demonstrated for our method, the Bootstrap method, and the large-sample based procedure. The application of two industrial real datasets shows the proposed method efficiency and feasibility.
