
Aproximación al Paciente con Fiebre

Publication Date

Summer 7-9-2014

Document Type



The materials in this submission guide clinical faculty as they organize and present two sequential learning sessions that teach pre-clerkship medical students the clinical workup of the acutely febrile patient. The first session is a small group learning activity with clinical faculty members and demonstration patients. Students are coached as they practice the steps of the focused physical examination of the acutely febrile patient. During the second session, students individually (or in pairs) work through the interview and perform the examination of a standardized patient presenting with acute fever. After this encounter, students write a SOAP note, receive feedback from the standardized patient (and from their peer observer, if present) and debrief in a group discussion with a faculty member. For the first session, the submitted materials include a preparatory physical exam worksheet and accompanying video. For the second session, the materials include a readiness assurance quiz, preparatory exam room guide and video, summary outline that students can use during the standardized patient encounter, a check sheet to guide peer observer feedback, and a standardized patient case blueprint. There is an optional Spanish-language translation of the patient interview for medical schools with a Spanish speaking patient population. These materials would be of interest to pre-clerkship clinical skills instructors who would like to teach a presentation-based, focused history and physical exam to their trainees. These materials were originally developed for the Medical Skills Course at the Texas Tech University Paul L. Foster School of Medicine (PLFSOM) in El Paso, Texas. The pre-clerkship curriculum at the PLFSOM is a fully integrated, clinical presentation-based curriculum. This curricular structure allows clinical skills instruction to be tightly integrated with basic science content. Therefore, it is important to situate these two sessions at a point in the curriculum when appropriate basic science content has been covered.
