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- Bracero Oral History Project
- General Interviews
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A print guide to the oral history collection is available in the UTEP Library’s Special Collections Department.
Submissions from 1973
Interview no. 110.1, Wilfredo Ramírez
Interview no. 110.2, Paulino Viteri
Interview no. 111.1, Fernando Crisosto
Interview no. 111.2, Jorge Fernandez
Interview no. 114, Carl Hertzog
Interview no. 119, John Schaffer
Interview no. 120, Howard McCord
Interview no. 146, Armando B. Chavez M.
Interview no. 147, Manuel Rodriguez
Interview no. 153.1, Mario Acevedo
Interview no. 154, David Carrasco
Interview no. 158, Brother M. Paul
Interview no. 491, Z. Anthony Kruszewsky
Interview no. 54, Margarita Jáquez de Alcalá
Interview no. 58, Jane B. Perrenot
Interview no. 59, Cecilio A. Arredondo
Interview no. 61, Denny Moses
Interview no. 62, William F. Webb
Interview no. 63, Manuel Acosta
Interview no. 64, Farah Strikes
Interview no. 65, René Mascareñas Miranda
Interview no. 66, Jan Herring
Interview no. 68, Howard Quinn and Mary K. Quinn
Interview no. 69, William Kolliker
Interview no. 71, Dennis Vannerson
Interview no. 73, Alma N. Ferguson
Interview no. 74, Frances E. Brown
Interview no. 75, Elizabeth R. Dyer
Interview no. 76, Eugene Thurston
Interview no. 77, Louis Krupp
Interview no. 79, Aileen H. Hague
Interview no. 80, Madeline M. Gehring
Interview no. 81, Leigh W. Osborn
Interview no. 82, Manuel Peña
Interview no. 83, Francisco Almada
Interview no. 84, Sam Donaldson
Interview no. 85, Baxter Polk
Interview no. 86, José S. Holgíun
Interview no. 87.1, Anne Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, and Mary Kelly Quinn
Interview no. 87.2, Elizabeth Kelly
Interview no. 90, Juan Peña-Razo
Interview no. 92, Eugene O. Porter
Interview no. 93, Herbert Morrow
Interview no. 95, Mrs. Frank Bowers
Interview no. 96, Armando B. Chávez M.
Interview no. 97, Oscar H. McMahan
Interview no. 98, Frederick Carter
Interview no. 99, Earl Burns and Ruby Burns
Submissions from 1972
Interview no. 11, S. L. A. Marshall
Interview no. 157, Cleofas Calleros