Consuelo Pequeño and Francisco González
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee
Lifelong resident of Big Bend area.
Summary of Interview
Part of Big Bend National Park Oral History Project; biographical data; discusses living in Castolon, Texas, in the Alvino house currently maintained by the National Park Service as a tourist attraction; comments on community's isolation; cross-border social activities and exchanges between residents on both sides of Rio Grande.
Date of Interview
Length of Interview
26 minutes
Listen to the Interview
Tape Number
No. 858
Transcript Number
No. 858
Length of Transcript
18 pages
Interview Number
No. 858
Terms of Use
Recommended Citation
Interview with Concepción Ibarra by Consuelo Pequeño and Francisco González, 1994, "Interview no. 858," Institute of Oral History, University of Texas at El Paso.
Interview in Spanish