
Eusebio Sanchez Lara


Mireya Loza


Bracero Oral History

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee

Eusebio Sanchez Lara was born in San Juan Peyotan, Nayarit, México on October 29, 1921; His parents were farmers; Mr. Sanchez started working with his father after studying for two years; He worked as a bracero picking tomato, and cucumber in Santa Ana, California and in Salinas.

Summary of Interview

Eusebio Sanchez Lara started working since he was a child because his parents died. His four brothers and him started working as farmers. Sanchez heard about the bracero program and was hired in Empalme, Sonora. Sanchez worked in Santa Ana, California picking cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins and chili. Sanchez renewed his contract in Santa Ana for three consecutive years. Sanchez also worked picking broccoli and lettuce in Phoenix, Arizona; He remembers that picking lettuce was the work that he liked least. He got hired for the last time in 1974 and worked in Yuba City picking tomatoes and peaches.

Date of Interview


Length of Interview

1 hour 12 minutes

Tape Number

No. 1458

Transcript Number

No. 1458

Length of Transcript

42 pages



Interview Number

No. 1458

Terms of Use



Interview in Spanish.
