
Manuel Sanmiguel


Bracero Oral History

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee

Alberto G. Valenzuela was born in Caborca, Sonora, Mexico on 1914; He began working in the field with his father’s brother. His father passed away when he was young; His mothers helped him until his three brothers and himself were able to work with his uncle. Mr. Valenzuela worked as a bracero in Arizona.

Summary of Interview

Mr. Valenzuela worked in the field at a young age after his father passed away. He worked in the field planting cotton and corn. During the rainy seasons his uncle would take them milk cows and then produce cheese to sell in the United States. Valenzuela found out about the bracero program through his boss, Francisco Jacquez. His boss offered him a job in Arizona. At the age of twenty-nine, he went to Nogales and was hired in the bracero program. His new boss was Carlos Rosten with whom he worked in the field. Valenzuela worked in the field in Baboquivari, but the salary was between $2.00 and $0.50. His boss treated him well. He received the American residency for his mother and himself; he later on married and had eight children who live in the United States, as well as himself.

Date of Interview


Length of Interview

26 minutes

Tape Number

No. 1382

Transcript Number

No. 1382

Length of Transcript

16 pages



Interview Number

No. 1382

Terms of Use



Interview in Spanish.
