
Felipe Flores


Violeta Mena


Bracero Oral History

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee

Felipe Flores was born on May 1, 1954, in San Miguel de Camarena, Guanajuato, México; he is one of fourteen siblings, and the son of a bracero; he got formal schooling in México up to sixth grade, and up to college in the United States; in 1971, he moved with his family to California; his father moved his family with him for migratory work; he now lives in Ripley, California.

Summary of Interview

Mr. Flores remembers his childhood in Guanajuato, México, and his home life; he recounts that his father was a bracero before he was born, and that he only saw him about once a year; schooled up to sixth grade in México, he completed a college degree in the United States; he recalls working in the fields from age six, and the hardships they endured by not having their father around; moreover, he states that his father sent them money and cards while working in the United States; he discusses how his father moved the family to Mexicali, how then they saw him every week, and how in 1971 they moved to the United States following migratory work; furthermore, he expresses the importance of his mother to his family, and the love she raised them with; he also remembers an accident that killed his sister, and the effect that had on his family; additionally, he says that his father died in 1993, and that now he understands why his father left for the U.S., and the sacrifice that he made for them.

Date of Interview


Length of Interview

59 minutes

Tape Number

No. 1190

Transcript Number

No. 1190

Length of Transcript

35 pages

Interview Number

No. 1190

Terms of Use



Interview in Spanish.
