Steve Velásquez
Bracero Oral History
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee
Vicente Ramírez was born on April 5, 1930, in Santa Rosa de Juárez, Oaxaca, México; he had two siblings; he was formally educated through the first grade; he had to support his family because his father died when Mr. Ramírez was very young; he worked in agriculture and later he worked in home construction; in 1955 he was living in Oaxaca when he heard about the bracero program; he traveled to the processing center in Empalme, Sonora, México; as a bracero, he labored in the fields of Salinas, California picking lettuce.
Summary of Interview
Mr. Ramírez briefly recalls his childhood and the financial difficulties his family endured; in 1955 he heard about a call for braceros and decided to quit his job for the chance to work in the United States; he traveled to the processing center in Empalme, Sonora, México; he details the harsh conditions he and other men endured while waiting there; in addition, he talks about how painful the physical exams were and how rudely they were conducted; as a bracero, he completed several contracts and labored in the fields of Salinas, California; he briefly details the living conditions, provisions, duties, payments, deductions, remittances, treatment, friendships, and recreational activities; he recalls that the braceros were allowed time off on 16 de septiembre; although he did suffer as a bracero, his overall memories of the program are positive; Mr. Ramírez concludes that he is very proud to be called a bracero.
Date of Interview
Length of Interview
35 minutes
Listen to the Interview
Tape Number
No. 1117
Transcript Number
No. 1117
Length of Transcript
20 pages
Interview Number
No. 1117
Terms of Use
Recommended Citation
Interview with Vicente Ramírez by Steve Velásquez, 2005, "Interview no. 1117," Institute of Oral History, University of Texas at El Paso.
Interview in Spanish.