"Evaluating concertive control and alcohol consumption in a university " by Jessica Denise Wichmann

Evaluating concertive control and alcohol consumption in a university Greek organization

Jessica Denise Wichmann, University of Texas at El Paso


The purpose of this study was to explore group identification in members of a University organization, and its relationship to alcohol consumption. Does the Greek system utilize concertive control over its members? More specifically, this research was an attempt to determine whether stronger group identification was positively correlated to higher levels of alcohol consumption within the Greek system. In order to measure the extent of alcohol consumption as well as the level of concertive control, a questionnaire survey instrument was distributed at a medium-sized Southwest university to a stratified random sample of 100 college students. Fifty of the respondents were members of the Greek system, while the remaining fifty were members of the general student body. The data is intended to help establish a possible correlation between levels of group identification and alcohol consumption. If group identification is indeed closely tied to adolescent risk behaviors, such as excessive drinking, this would provide a starting point from which to begin to combat these self-destructive behaviors.

Subject Area

Communication|Social structure|Public health|Behavioral psychology

Recommended Citation

Wichmann, Jessica Denise, "Evaluating concertive control and alcohol consumption in a university Greek organization" (2003). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAIEP10616.
