The Chicago convert: James T. Farrell

Donald F Kelly, University of Texas at El Paso


It was my original intention in 1950, when I proposed this study of James T. Farrell, to attain some personal insight into the life of a writer whom I knew had risen to literary prominence from an environment very similar to my own, I felt that by exploiting that propinquity with the proper application I could, perhaps, ascertain what was the psychological force that had enabled him to write with such inspiration as to establish himself as one of the leading contemporary novelists* In so doing, I hoped to learn how to rise above my situation In the way he transcended his.

Subject Area

American literature|Biographies

Recommended Citation

Kelly, Donald F, "The Chicago convert: James T. Farrell" (1953). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAIEP00132.
