The implementation of site -based management across Texas: An empirical study

Terry-Ann Louise Rodriguez, University of Texas at El Paso


Because substantial emphasis has been placed upon the inclusion of all stakeholders (teachers, administrators, parents, community members, and business members) in school governance by the passage of Texas Senate Bill 1 of 1990, school administrators and personnel have had to learn how to implement site-based management at both district and campus levels. This researcher analyzed data from the 73-item Integrated Planning and Decision Making Survey produced and administered by the Texas Education Agency in 1999. Surveys were randomly sent by the Texas Education Agency to approximately 3,000 respondents at both the district and campus levels. These respondents were members of district or campus-level planning and decision-making committees (also known as site-based decision-making committees/councils) in the 20 educational regions across Texas. In addition, 300 randomly selected teachers across Texas not serving on a planning and decision-making committee were asked to respond to the survey. The focus of this study encompassed survey results regarding: (1) the degree to which site-based management has been implemented and supported across Texas, (2) the extent of agreement between administrators and teachers concerning the implementation of and support for site-based management, (3) differences in implementation of, and support for, site-based management among educational regions across Texas, and (4) differences in implementation of and support for site-based, management between border and non-border educational regions in Texas. Based upon analyses of survey responses, this researcher suggested possible reasons for differences in implementation of and support for site-based management across educational regions in Texas. In addition, implications for future research are offered.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Rodriguez, Terry-Ann Louise, "The implementation of site -based management across Texas: An empirical study" (2000). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI9995867.
