Multimedia technology integration and instructional practices in a College of Business Administration

Jorge Alberto Gaytan, University of Texas at El Paso


The purpose of this study was to determine the following: (a) the extent to which multimedia technology is being integrated into College of Business Administration instructional practices; (b) the views that College of Business Administration faculty members hold regarding multimedia technology integration into instructional practices; (c) the views of students enrolled in College of Business Administration courses regarding multimedia technology integration into instructional practices; and (d) the extent to which multimedia technology is available in the College of Business Administration for instructional practices. College of Business Administration faculty members and students enrolled in College of Business Administration courses at The University of Texas at El Paso were surveyed. Two instruments were used in this study for data collection purposes: (a) The Instructional Questionnaire: Teacher Survey, and (b) The Instructional Questionnaire: Student Survey. The evidence gathered supported all four research hypotheses. First, multimedia technology has been and will continue to be incorporated into the instructional practices of College of Business Administration faculty members. Second, College of Business Administration faculty members have positive attitudes about the integration of multimedia technology into their instructional practices. Third, College of Business Administration students have positive attitudes toward the integration of multimedia technology into their classroom experiences. Fourth, multimedia technology, sufficient for integration into instructional practices, is available within College of Business Administration for faculty use. There is approximately a 50/50 split between College of Business Administration faculty members using and not using multimedia technology in the classroom. This lack of use is attributable to several factors: (1) faculty are not aware of the benefits of the integration of multimedia technology into instructional practices; or (2) they have not received enough incentives to become trained in multimedia technology use; or (3) they have become very comfortable with conventional teaching methods and have no desire to learn new ways of doing things; or (4) they are not concerned with student learning. Results from the student questionnaire survey clearly demonstrated the important and positive impact that multimedia technology has on teaching and learning and the positive attitudes that students hold toward the integration of multimedia technology into their classroom experiences.

Subject Area

Educational technology|Business education|Higher education

Recommended Citation

Gaytan, Jorge Alberto, "Multimedia technology integration and instructional practices in a College of Business Administration" (2000). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI9970436.
