Acceptable and low -performing charter schools in Texas: The identification of common characteristics

Carmen G Burds, University of Texas at El Paso


This descriptive study was designed to identify the characteristics that differentiate acceptable performing open-enrollment charter schools from low performing open-enrollment charter schools in Texas. There were 190 charter schools in operation in the state of Texas during the 2003--04 school year. The subjects of this study were the 99 open-enrollment, non AEP, charter schools that had been in existence three or more years in 2003--04; the 1,869 teachers employed at the schools; and the 29,007 students who attended those schools. Of the 99 open-enrollment charter schools studied, 23 were low performing (“unacceptable”) and 76 were acceptable performing (60 “acceptable,” 14 “recognized and 2 “exemplary”). The researcher identified the common characteristics of charter schools that have earned “acceptable” and “recognized” and “exemplary” ratings under the Texas accountability rating system and compared them to the characteristics of “low performing” charter schools.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Burds, Carmen G, "Acceptable and low -performing charter schools in Texas: The identification of common characteristics" (2007). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI3273989.
