Public university leaders as fundraisers

Kelly Scrivner Overley, University of Texas at El Paso


As lawmakers attempt to reduce government spending at the federal level, one of the first areas that is often subject to reduction is public education, particularly postsecondary education. Because of these reductions, federal and state financial support is no longer enough to ensure a quality education at most colleges and universities. Given the reduced levels of government support, coupled with demands for services from constituents, there is an increasing need for external funding for institutions of higher education. As the need for private funding increases, the boards of trustees and stakeholders of colleges and universities are looking to the institution's leaders to direct the charge in raising a significant amount of money in order to keep the institutions fiscally sound. The purpose of this qualitative research study was to identify the roles that presidents/chancellors, vice presidents for development/institutional advancement, and members of boards of regents play in public university fundraising and their preparedness for their roles. A secondary purpose was to identify key challenges faced by these officials and how their success as fundraisers affects their perceived effectiveness in their positions. The researcher deduced that while all universities approach fundraising in unique and varied manners, almost all public institutions include the university president, vice president for development/institutional advancement, and the board of regents in the fundraising process.

Subject Area

Education finance|Educational administration|Higher education

Recommended Citation

Overley, Kelly Scrivner, "Public university leaders as fundraisers" (2006). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI3242129.
