Critical factors related to successful school reconstitution in Texas

Ana Maria Soledad, University of Texas at El Paso


At a time when Americans have become more vocal in their demand for better public education for our children, reconstitution, a replacement of school staff, has been implemented by some low performing schools in an effort to meet this demand. Furthermore, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 provides that any school not meeting its annual goals for a period of five consecutive years must either privatize, be taken over by the state, or radically reorganize its governance structure, i.e., reconstitute. This study reviews the reconstitution process of thirteen Texas schools in an effort to identify the factors essential to successful school reconstitution, such that administrators that must take this perilous path may have some guidance. Qualitative methodology was used to discover the perspectives of the thirteen administrators along with some of their colleagues who participated in the reconstitution process at their school. The study addresses these questions, which guided my research, (1) which factors precipitated the decision to reconstitute the schools. (2) how was reconstitution implemented at each site. (3) what effect did reconstitution have on student achievement. (4) what are the lessons learned from the reconstitution process. These questions helped to identify critical factors of a successful school reconstitution along with the implications for policy makers considering implementing the reconstitution process in the future.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Soledad, Ana Maria, "Critical factors related to successful school reconstitution in Texas" (2006). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI3214007.
